I officially have the "Bieber Fever." As long as our "long weekend" was I spent three of the hours staring at something beautiful. Justin Bieber. I have to admit, I was very excited to go, but I wasn't sure I quite had the Bieber fever. And now, I have more then the Bieber fever.
Saturday afternoon, I put on my 3-D glasses with 50 other of the "biggest Justin Bieber fans." And yet, I didn't want to talk them off. So...I went back today! :) The girls I was with on Saturday after the movie all said they had changed there mind about him. Instead of him just being a young boy with an extremely high voice. He had a story, and it wasn't any Miley Cyrus story.
From watching the movie, it sounds like Justin Bieber was raised by a very young mom, didn't have a dad, and spent lots of time with his grandparents. As I thought about it his mom very well could have put him up for adoption and he would have had a completely different life. But instead, she suffered her weekends to take care of this soon to be famous little boy.
The movie focuses on how he got to be where he was. Justin talks about how sometimes he wishes he had a normal teenage life, but he knows he signed up for this and so this is what he is going to do. I think that is really cool. He is so young and I bet after a while he gets tired of all the screaming girls, and all the cameras. I thought that was a very mature way to handle his situation. He signed up to become a world famous singer and he isn't going to whine about not have a normal weekend, or life.
It's very very funny watching all the screaming girls. They are so far away from him at the concert but they are still crying! The tweet after tweet, poster after poster. The fans are always screaming for him! The five year old girls, or even the twenty year old women, they all seem like they will be able to marry him one day! Even one of my friends who didn't like him before texted me and told me she can't seem to get him off her mind!
After watching the movie I don't know how anyone cannot have the "Bieber fever." It's just so great! I didn't want the movie to end! I really enjoyed learning more about how he was found and became famous. You might just think he is just a little boy with a high voice, but the movie has changed a lot of peoples opinion. When the sweet five year old with his big brown eyes is strumming the guitar, or even the sixteen year old, famous star sits there playing the piano and singing to the world..how can you not get the "Bieber fever?" It's so dreamy!As cheesy as it sounds, did you get the “Bieber fever?” :)