Monday, February 21, 2011

Bieber Fever? Check.

I officially have the "Bieber Fever." As long as our "long weekend" was I spent three of the hours staring at something beautiful. Justin Bieber. I have to admit, I was very excited to go, but I wasn't sure I quite had the Bieber fever. And now, I have more then the Bieber fever.

Saturday afternoon, I put on my 3-D glasses with 50 other of the "biggest Justin Bieber fans." And yet, I didn't want to talk them off. So...I went back today! :) The girls I was with on Saturday after the movie all said they had changed there mind about him. Instead of him just being a young boy with an extremely high voice. He had a story, and it wasn't any Miley Cyrus story.

From watching the movie, it sounds like Justin Bieber was raised by a very young mom, didn't have a dad, and spent lots of time with his grandparents. As I thought about it his mom very well could have put him up for adoption and he would have had a completely different life. But instead, she suffered her weekends to take care of this soon to be famous little boy.

The movie focuses on how he got to be where he was. Justin talks about how sometimes he wishes he had a normal teenage life, but he knows he signed up for this and so this is what he is going to do. I think that is really cool. He is so young and I bet after a while he gets tired of all the screaming girls, and all the cameras. I thought that was a very mature way to handle his situation. He signed up to become a world famous singer and he isn't going to whine about not have a normal weekend, or life.

It's very very funny watching all the screaming girls. They are so far away from him at the concert but they are still crying! The tweet after tweet, poster after poster. The fans are always screaming for him! The five year old girls, or even the twenty year old women, they all seem like they will be able to marry him one day! Even one of my friends who didn't like him before texted me and told me she can't seem to get him off her mind!

After watching the movie I don't know how anyone cannot have the "Bieber fever." It's just so great! I didn't want the movie to end! I really enjoyed learning more about how he was found and became famous. You might just think he is just a little boy with a high voice, but the movie has changed a lot of peoples opinion. When the sweet five year old with his big brown eyes is strumming the guitar, or even the sixteen year old, famous star sits there playing the piano and singing to the can you not get the "Bieber fever?" It's so dreamy!As cheesy as it sounds, did you get the “Bieber fever?” :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Love

“I am very sorry about not doing this essay,” Sasha quickly thought in her mind after she heard about this essay. “I just was spending all my time reading the great book The Tale of Two Cities,” Sasha joked once more.
I just love homework. It's one of my specialties. Whenever a teacher gives me homework I quickly thank them for my homework, and then dash off to my next class. (Where I pray for homework.) If I could spend my whole day doing homework I would. However, I don't. I have something better to do. It's called stalking Preston.
I have a pounding love for this boy. His name is Preston. He's cute, funny, and very very strong! Preston is the head of the chess club. So of course, me being Sasha, I had to join. It was probably the best thing I ever did. Every afternoon I go and play Preston at chess. We are the only two in the club so more flirting time for me!! Yay!! Every time I look at Preston, my heart starts pounding, and I get butterflies in my stomach. I almost have a heart attack!
Today is Valentine's Day. I got Preston a BIG present. He didn't get me anything, just a new chess board for himself. Since I broke his old one. The game was just so intense! Anyway, this morning I went and heart attacked his front door and left him from chocolates. I got them last year for Valentine's. I bit out of one of them to make sure it wasn't stale. And don't worry, I put it back in the heart shaped box so he could have my DNA!! Muhahaha! I'll marry him somehow! I also wrote him a poem, it goes like this.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'm sorry I broke your chess board,
Please don't go boo hoo.

Your eyes sparkle like a bright night light,
It makes you glow in the night.
I hope you enjoy your present,
Sorry I look like a pheasant.

Your chocolates are a year old,
I hope they're not too cold.
This poem is especially for you,
It took a lot of time too.

Love forever and ever,

That poem took me a very long time to write. I spent days, weeks, even months thinking of this mind boggling poem! Isn't it great? Me and Preston aren't really the same type of people. But that's okay, I'll deal with it. I mean I like Pokemon, checkers, and Barbies. And Preston, he just likes Spiderman, chess, and action figures. Me and Preston, we're just so good together! We play chess the same way. We have the same strategy. At first when he was teaching me how to play I thought you tried to kill the knight, but Preston told me I was wrong. I just have a real special place in my heart for Preston. No one really likes him, but I sure think he is great. I hope he enjoyed my poem, and my year old chocolates.

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Sudden Love for Science Class

Oh! How I love my science class so much! I can not even tell you in words how much I enjoy going to Biology each day. Everyday is a new adventure. I just love making DNA molecules, and 3-D animal cells. Each day it just gets better and better. Whenever I remember it's A day, it's always a great day.

Probably one of my favorite parts of Biology class is the weekly vocabulary quizzes. I really appreciate those. I mean my life is just so much better now that I know what a semiconservative replication is. I mean really, that just made my day. I love memorizing 40 vocabulary words each week. I use the words so much. It really is a blessing to have it them in my life. Like today when I was talking to my friend at school this is how our conversation went: "Wow your outfit is so cute! It's almost like a mutation of clothes, and your hair! Wow! Look at it! There are little okazaki fragments in it! Cute!" I mean, the words I learn are everyday words. Nucleosome, messenger RNA, exons, I mean I could go on for 12 more chapters.

But wait! It gets better! Wednesday Webwork! I almost always forget about it! It's so great! I enjoy trying to get 100% every time. It usually take 3 or 4 times. I know you don't think that this class can get any better but guess what! It does! The pop quizzes are probably my favorite part. Each day you might just get tested on your knowledge of the animal or plant cell. It's great.

One of the greatest parts of the classroom is the room behind the science class. I think it's a jungle. There are all of these great big trees and other mysterious things. I just would really like to go exploring in there. Though, I might get attacked by a carnivorous, eating monster. You never know what may be hiding in a science "behind the scenes" classroom.

Last but not least, what I really am in love with is science media. I love Bill Nye. I just have a science crush on him. His show just makes me love science. I love the "Try This at Home" segment, because I always do the experiment. Bill Nye's show is probably my second favorite thing in this world. My science class comes in first that is. Or I really like the shows where they show the insides of bodies, or animals. I think that's really cool. I don't get scared or grossed out or anything! I just think it's great all around. One of my other favorite things is the songs. The 1st grade songs that are composed are just so great and help me learn so much! But they aren't annoying. Not one bit. When I was looking at my iTunes today...guess what? The one on DNA and other interesting facts are most played on my iPod.

Science is probably my favorite class. And well, you can tell why. It just brings joy to my face when I get to walk into the wonderful classroom. It's like history is being made there. I hope you all have the life-long lasting experiences like I do.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Long Lasting Guilty Pleasure

You might call me crazy but for the last 10 years of my life guess what I have spent it doing? Watching American Idol. I just can't seem to get enough of it. I know, it's dumb and quite the waste of time but I just can't stop watching it. You may call it my guilty pleasure.

Each year, it seems to get worse. The winners get worse, the auditions are as bad as ever, and according the the Internet the TV viewers last season were as low as ever. But I just can't stop watching it. I remember when it first started and I was just little and each season I dreamed of being on the show. All I wanted to do was audition for Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, and Randy Jackson. (If they we're nice to me that is.) I wanted to be the next American Idol. Each year I would wish that they would come to Utah and I would grow up a little faster so I could audition. I didn't want to be the person in the pink bunny suit with dinky music in the background. I wanted to be the next Idol.

Thankfully they made some changes. They got rid of Ellen after last year, and they finally got rid of the crazy drugie Paula Abdul. This year they brought in Steven Tyler, and Jennifer Lopez. I defiantly think the judges this year are much better. Steven Tyler is like the greatest rockstar ever (besides KISS Mr. Thompson:)) But I also think that the three judges just know what they are talking about. They are all great musicians. Each year my dad prays that we won't have to watch the show again but me and my sister don't give in. But I would have to say that this year with the new judges, and a new remodel of the show, it has gotten much better.

The question I always ask myself through the painful auditions is: Do you really think your good? I mean seriously, what made you think it was a good idea dress up in this beautiful costume and go on national television? You stink! Go back to your baby city and sing to the drunk people in the bar..they won't hear a thing your saying! I think it's so funny! The judges are just flat out mean to the people that can't sing. Then, that person always gets the American Idol sign over there mouth but it's there own fault they went on the show if they can't sing!

Each week when Wednesday comes I can't possibly wait for seven o'clock to come! And then after it's over and can't wait for Thursday night for more Idol. Then, I live my long, sad week without it. I need an Idol boost by next Wednesday. It's my guilty pleasure that I can't seem to get over. I may be the only person at Fairfield Junior High that watches American Idol but I don't really care. It may be the most rigid, fake, useless, over exaggerated show but oh well! American Idol is still my favorite show. And of course, my guilty pleasure. :)