Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Blizzard is Coming! The Blizzard is Coming!

Who knew a blizzard could be such a big deal. Yesterday I went to school like it was a normal day. All of a sudden in each of my classes someone would ask me about the blizzard. "Have you heard about the 3 o'clock blizzard?" "A blizzard a blizzard! We are going to get locked in the building!" “Ah! I'm going to be locked inside all night because of the blizzard!” I had no idea a blizzard could be such a big deal.

Mr. Davis got on the intercom multiple times to remind students to get out of the school as fast as possible. They canceled the basketball game, and play practice. The janitors started cleaning early. I couldn't figure out what made a blizzard such a big deal. So I texted my mom and was like "What is the big deal about this blizzard? We live in Utah...We are always going to have snow."  And she said "It can just get dangerous if the wind is blowing extra hard, and there is lots of snow." My sister, Aubrey was texting me saying "My teacher is showing us the blizzard report, the blizzard is coming! The blizzard is coming!" I got released from my 4th period five minutes early, and I hurried out of the school so I didn't get stuck in the blizzard.

I went home waiting for the blizzard. Waiting to be stuck inside all night. I mean this was a big deal! The clock ticked to 3 o'clock. And just me being a smart-alec, I stared out my window waiting for this blizzard. The trees stayed still, the snow didn't fall. The clock kept ticking and the blizzard didn't come. The blizzard was late! And then finally the blizzard came. It snowed for a whole 20 minutes. I mean, the wind blew like normal, and the snow fell like it does in a normal winter. Wow! This was quite the blizzard! My brother went outside in the blizzard. “NO JONAH! DON'T GO OUT IN THE BLIZZARD! YOU'LL DIE! THE WIND WILL KILL YOU!” Around 6 o'clock we turned on the news. Lets just put it this way...The news is so dramatic. They have their three reporters out in different cities. Whatever the reporters names are, there are out in the "blizzard." And they have on their winter coat. Snow is in their eyebrows, hair, their nose is red. It was so ridiculous. Put on a hat! Put on some gloves! Seriously! They try and make it much worse then it is. And then they are doing the weather. "The high is 15 degrees tomorrow." And they started making a huge deal about that. Isn't it usually 15 degrees this time of year?

Anyway, I guess we experienced quiet the "blizzard"yesterday. The blizzard of 2010. And now as I look outside, it looks the same as it normally does this time of year. Snow. But I have never heard of such a big deal for it snowing outside. Oops. I mean such a big deal for a "blizzard.”

1 comment:

  1. I thought the news made too big a deal out of it as well. However, I did find out that what made it a blizzard was the arctic winds. A blizzard doesn't have to be any worse than a regular snow storm. It can be pretty tame compared to some of the weather we get here and still be a blizzard.

    They did make it into too much of a disaster, though, with how it was reported.
