Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Long Summer Ahead

It isn't even the first "official" day of summer yet, and I'm already bored. I keep looking around, carelessly walking around my house trying to find something to do. I keep asking my parents "What is going on? Don't I have homework?" I feel like I'm in a long dream.

I always look forward to the summer. Once spring hits, I can never wait any longer for the summer to come, the warm weather. I have the urge for the long, hot days sitting by the pool, getting tan, and relaxing. Summer is great. The warm weather brightens everyones attitude and makes it a great day!

Each year as summer approaches my mom always suggests all of these ideas. "Why don't you sign up for this camp? Why don't we do this over the summer?" This, this this! All of these ideas are thrown out to me, and each year I say the same reply. "Mom, I don't want to do anything over the summer! It's the summer! I want to relax!" And each year, I always regret my decision. I don't sign up for all the things I could have, and then each day goes by. Wake up, sit inside through the long, hot summer day. Waiting and waiting for something to happen. Someone to call, somewhere to go, and something to do. 

This summer my parents have me and my sister working two days a week. That will be nice so I can have a few free days, and then two to work and kill some time. I love the summer, and am so happy it is finally here!  

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Time of My Life

I didn't know saying goodbye would be so hard. I didn't realize that the end of the year would bring many different emotions. At the beginning of the year, and throughout, I didn't think I would be sad, just excited for new things. But now that the year has come to an end, my emotions are different then I thought.

Mr. Thompson, I would like to thank you for everything. I am thankful for everything you have taught me. Each day was a new experience to come to your class, and I looked forward to it each day. Your classroom has taught me some great things that I will never forget. One thing I am very happy to have is my writing notebook. Thank you for having us write in those everyday, it is my whole 9th grade year smashed into a journal, I can't wait to look back in the journal in a few years, so thank you.

The split of the Davis High and Layton High schools is quite dramatic. I haven't ever been very close to kids that are going to Layton, but now that I look back, a lot of people are going to Layton. I am going to miss them very much. I don't know how well in contact I will keep in touch with everyone that is going to Layton, but I sure hope I do still talk to them.

In Rhaspody this last week we got into our formation and started to sing the school hymn for one last time. While we were singing the hymn I started to think and reflect on the many memories and fun times I have had at Fairfield. By the end of the song, it actually hit me that I was soon moving onto a new school, and a new adventure. I am very sad to be leaving Fairfield Junior High, I have had some great memories. I have been involved in a lot of different things that I have enjoyed very much. I am sad to see those activities and memories fade.

I am now realizing that a new chapter of life is opening. On Friday, my sister will be graduated from high school, and I will be leaving junior high. My family keeps talking about how my sisters life is soon to change. She will be eighteen this month and soon be free on her own. Graduating from high school is a bigger change then leaving junior high, but it is still the same. We are still leaving, and going to a new school, and don't know what the next few years of our lives will bring. Our lives are changing in just a few short days, and then in August we will be in high school, with a big experience ahead of us.

I am very sad to leave Fairfield Junior High. I'm sad to part from some of my very best friends, and some of my teachers, but now I have a new experience ahead of me. Thank you to all my friends, teachers, and everyone that has been a friend and help to me these last three years. Now, wish your friends a farewell, and your teachers a goodbye. For me, and some of you, it's time for new adventures at Davis High.


For my Stargirl prjoect I serenaded Adam Hansen. Why Adam? Well, because it is simply Adam. How could I not serenade him? I changed the words of Taylor Swift's song Enchanted, and made Adam his very own version of the song. Here is how Adam took it, and the changed lyrics are below. Enjoy and have yourself a good laugh!

There you were at school today
Walking down the hall that way
Flipping back and forth that blonde hair
Your eyes they sparkle down the hall
Bright and Blue you’ve got it all
But Adam, what about me?
And you were enchanted to meet me

Your scooter tricks they are so hot
I just hope you don’t get caught
And would you ever wanna take me?
And I love the way you draw
Probably best I ever saw
Do you ever think to sketch me?
And you were enchanted meet me

I wear red, and you do too.
Funny thing we both hate blue
And don’t forget number 32
There’s not a shot he doesn’t like
Jacks them up all through the night
If you did that, you’d be MVP too.
And you were enchanted to meet me.

Oh Adam

Your face is real red I want you to know
I’ll sing to you while you sit there and glow
And I’d like to remind you
Something you should know,
You were enchanted to meet me

And this is me singin’ to you
I’m not supposed to be here
And you thought I disappeared
But then I showed up to sing
A song just for you
Don’t worry there is no need
To thank me for anything
Cause you were in enchanted to meet me

Please don’t hate me when this is done
I just hope that you had some fun

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunscreen? Oops!

My brother play on an competition team. Each Saturday he play two games, either in a row, or at different times. Yesterday, I went to his baseball games. Let's say I forgot what the sun does to you.

It's been a while since the sun has been out, but when it comes out, I'm not sad! After a extra long winter, we have all missed the sun, and all forgotten what the sun does to us. Yesterday morning I got to the baseball field at nine-thirty in the morning, and I was there until one-thirty. Once we got there my dad said:

 "Oh! We probably should have brought the sunscreen, we're going to be fried! Oh well!"

It didn't really occur to me that even though the sun is out, I am still going to get burned. I forgot that even though it wasn't that warm outside, I was still going to get burned.

Well he was right. Now my face, arms, and legs are burnt very bad. Even though my face hurts, I'm not complaining because it felt so good to have the sun out yesterday, and now we have the rain again. But nothing is better then when the sun comes and visits us! I am very happy for the sunshine, but I probably should have brought some sunscreen. Yesterday it was such a beautiful day, and I can't wait for more of those days to come!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Time is Tickin'

Every second the clock ticks. Every sixty seconds a new number shows, and every sixty minutes, a bigger number shows. I though, wouldn't know. Lately, I have noticed that I can't read a clock. Sure, I can read the digital clock shining on my phone, but an analog clock? No way!

The other day my dad asked me what time it was.

 "One second, let me go find my phone and look." I said.

"Well isn't there one on the wall you can read?" My dad asked.

"Yes, but I can't read it."

And down the jaws dropped. "You can't read an analog clock?" My parents asked. "Nope. I can't!" I said. And then the peanut gallery chimed in, "Dude! Dad! I can't read one either!" Shows you our technology now days, right?

It's never really occured to me that I might one day need to read a clock, but honestly, I can't tell you what hand reads what, what hour it is, or anything without looking on a digital clock. I remember learning in elementary, but I forgot how to use those skills I've now lost.

After I realized I couldn't read an analog clock, I then began to think of other things with time that are weird. If you know the answers, let me know.

In money, you go up to ninety-nine cents, but in time you only go up to sixety. Why did they do that? Do any of you know the answer?

I think it is probably pretty pathetic that I don't know how to read the analog clock, but then I got thinking, how many of us really do? Is it just me, or is that analog clocks are getting less and less popular, and so people use digital clock now that you don't even need anything to be able to read them? My new goal for summer: learn how to read a clock.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Allergies...One of My Favorite Things

Spring comes sadly once a year. For some, maybe even most of us, Spring is the worst time of the year. The trees bloom, and that is enough for most of us. They call it the seasons of allergies. I am one of the lucky kids, like some of you, that experience this wonderful season. Not only do I experience it in the Spring, but also the Summer, and Fall.

In the Spring it's trees, in the Summer, grass, and in the fall, weeds. The winter, something I also wish I was allergic too, snow. Sadly I'm not. In the Spring of sixth grade, my allergies got the worst they had ever been. Inside, outside, no matter where I was, I had allergies. I needed to get this fixed. I took pills, and even then, I couldn't go outside without my eyes puffing up like a baseball.

On a sunny day in May, I had a appointment to go meet with Dr. Anderson, he would soon become my best friend. I walked into the office, scared, and unsure what they were going to do to me. I went into the back room and they told me to take off my shirt, so off my shirt went, where I now laid on the table. One by one, they put different words on my back, poked me with a needle, and then put a potion onto my back. This is what they call the "allergy test." "See you in a half hour!" The nurse told to me, "but don't touch you're back!" If you have ever had an allergic reaction, think of this like 30 allergic reactions on you're back.

They tested me for everything! Every kind of tree, weed, different grasses, dust, and all kinds of animals. After 30 minutes the nurse came into the room to find lots of little hives on my back. "Okay! This one is a four, this a four, four, four, four, three, four, four, four." Four was the highest they rated on a degree of if you're allergic or not. It was then I realized I was allergic to just about everything, outside and inside.

My new best friend, Dr. Anderson, then came into the room. "Wow! We got a keeper here! Why don't you come into my office. Do you have any dogs? Cats? Animals at all? How often do you dust you're house? Do you like playing outside? What kind of trees do you have in you're yard? Anyone else in you're family have allergies?" These questions soon started to haunt me. "Uh, no, no, no, a lot, no, I don't know! I'm eleven years old!" The confusion was very noticeable on my face.

Dr. Anderson, then told me that he would suggest me starting to receive allergy shots. Yes! Now I have two best friends! He said my allergies were bad enough he would give me two shots every time I came, and soon, after a few years, it would take my allergies away. Sign me up!

For the past three years I have been getting allergy shots. At first it was twice a week, then once, and now every three weeks. Usually, in the patients career they will experience one reaction. A reaction is after you get the shot, you're body doesn't respond well, and you start getting itchy, you're throat starts to close, and well, it's not good. I have had three reactions.

My first one was in 2008, it was the worst one I've had. The other two, have been in the last three weeks. Three weeks ago, I went to get my shot, after I got my shot I got very itchy in my ears, throat, and face. Which is not a good sign. They had to hold me back and give me less of a shot the next time, and because of that I had to go the next three weeks in a row. Today was my day to get back up to my regular maintenance. After I got my shot today, the same things happened as three weeks ago. I went to the lady and told her I was having a reaction, they took me back into the room, my now third best friend, and gave me another allergy pill, took my heart rate, made me blow in a tube, and gave me a big shot of adrenaline. Then, I sat in the doctors office, shaking, going crazy, trying to hold something, trying to do anything. It didn't work.

Dr. Anderson, doesn't know what my problem is, so next week it's back to the clinic for a baby shot. Let's hope I won't build back up again, and then have another reaction. If you have bad allergies, I would defiantly recommend you looking into getting shots, my allergies have improved so much from the last three years.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Preforming the Arts

I have grown up preforming on the stage. When I was a little girl, I remember watching home movies of my sister in her Titianic shirt, singing her heart out to Celine Dion. Then in the middle of the video a girl, littler then my sister would run in saying "Twinkle, twinkle, little star!" That little girl would be me. I wanted to be in the spotlight. "Daddy! Turn the camera so I can see myself!" a big smile would then appear on my face. "Who is it Ashley? Who is that cute little girl?" 

I have then found my love for preforming in front of people. Not just on the stage, but giving a speech, or just standing in front of an audience. I don't get nervous. I am always more then happy to voluteer, or go first. It has never bothered me. When I was seven, I was a orphan in Annie. And so on, and so on. I have been in many more shows.  

One thing we do as a family is preform. My dad, sister, me and my brother all love to preform together. And as for my mom? She just is the taxi driver. (Without getting paid) :( But yet, it is something we can all do together, and we all enjoy it. This weekend my brother has been involved in production of Annie. He is playing the role of Rooster. Can I just say he is a stud up there? He gets up there, uses his New York accent, sings his heart out, and dances. He is a stud. It makes me miss being on the stage watching him.

The week after school gets out, my brother has the chance to preform with a group in Disneyland. Of course, I am going along so I can watch him. (Plus, who doesn't want a trip to Disneyland?) That has been one thing I have always dreamed of doing. Dressing up as a princess, and preforming in Disneyland. In a month, my brother will be living one of my dreams, minus the princess part. :)

As we have been talking about music in Mr. Thompson's class it has made me think about my preforming, and me sharing my talent. Preforming is something I will always love. And I love sharing my talent with people throughout the community. What is your talent that you like to share with others? And how do you?

4th Term Slide

Everyday I am hearing, "The countdown is on!" and yes, it is! We have less then 10 days of each A and B days left! I can't believe our 9th grade year is coming to a close. What a great year it has been! We accomplished so much, meet new people, and overall I'd say we all became better people! Just think what is next for us, summer, then we are off to high school! It came so fast.

At the beginning of each year I am always into school very much. I try very hard, I spend so much time studying, doing my homework, and really try to go the extra mile. I think this year for all of us, we all tried harder because our grades actually "counted" this year. Then second term comes and by the time you know it, first semester is over! It's off to new classes, new teachers, and almost the end of the year. The first half of third term is fun, new and exciting, but then the second half of the term you start to get a little lazier. By fourth term, the weather is warming up, the year is almost over, and you can't wait any longer for summer. The next thing you know, your getting a little more lazy each day, trying less, and not doing as good as you could have.

That is defiantly how I have been feeling. Normally, I am the student going the extra mile, studying for test, and focusing better, but this last term I feel like I have been getting really lazy. So I put a stop to it. This past few weeks I have been trying harder, doing better, studying, and trying to act like it's the beginning of the year again. It is defiantly paying off.

Do you feel the same way I have? How so? What have you done to stay on top of things?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Blast from the Past

Tracks of My Tears

“I'm Coming Home,” Ditty Dirty Money. I song that often comes into my head as I come home to the place I have always lived. Kaysville, Utah. I am Ashley Taylor, and have lived in Kaysville, Utah all my life. I have an older sister that is about ready to graduate from Davis High, and a little brother who is ready to finish elementary school. Music has always played a big part in my life. There is always music playing in my house. Whether it's the piano, strings, singing, or just the laughter.

Born This Way -Lady Gaga

On June 20, 1996 I was born into the Taylor family. The day of my birth also happens to be the day my sister was born. Except, she was born three years earlier then me. “..I was born this way, don't live yourself in regret..” Some of the lyrics in Lady Gaga's song quote. After hearing this song, it just makes me remember that that is how I want to live my life. Be myself, and no one else.

Skin -Rascal Flatts

When my sister was 18 months old she was diagnosed with Leukemia. A cancer that lives all through your bones, and cannot be removed by just a surgery. I wasn't born when my sister was diagonased, but I was born during the process. If she was to need some help with something, like a transplant, she would need a sibling that shares the same genetic information as her. Luckily, she didn't need my help, and she survived, and now, 13 years later, her cancer hasn't returned.

Light the Fire Within -LeAnn Rimes

In 2002 the winter Olympics came you Salt Lake City, Utah. My family spent a lot of time downtown watching all of the parades, and other events. This song was sung at the closing ceremony. I just remember watching LeAnn Rimes preform and all the children in the background on the stage with her. I always wanted to be one of those kids singing on the stage.

The Scientist -Coldplay

I've been playing the piano for about seven years. Sometimes I really enjoyed playing the piano, but a lot of the time I didn't want to go to my lessons, or practice. My older sister was much more advanced then me and she hear songs that were on the radio and then go sit at the piano and would be able to pick out the music. After a while of playing the piano, I finally found the sheet music to “The Scientist” written by Coldplay. I enjoy playing the piano now, and that I have gotten better I can play other songs heard on the radio. “The Scientist” was the first radio song I learned to play on the piano.

Minuet -L. Boccherini

After starting to play the piano, I wanted to play every other instrument then the piano. Flute, cello, violin, anything besides the piano! My parents made a deal with me. For me to be able to start playing another instrument I had to learn how to play the piano, because that makes the next instrument much easier. I finally decided to start playing the violin. Which there lives significants in my family. My great grandma played the violin. When I was just in book one, I heard this song from book two called “Minuet” I though it sounded like the most complex song I had ever heard, but I also though it sounded so cool. I was then my goal to be able to play this song. And yet, a couple of years ago, I learned how to play it.

All I want for Christmas is You -Mariah Carey

This song plays all day at my house at Christmas time. Each year at Christmas time we play Christmas bingo, which my dad makes. One of the squares on the bingo card is “Dance to Mariah Carey's, All I Want for Christmas is You” I remember one year, I believe my sister was in ninth grade, me and mys sister were singing and dancing to this song. She had had a bad day at school, so we changed the lyrics to talk, and make jokes about leaders, teachers, and other people we knew. And yet, every year, everyday this song is always playing in my house. You can't help but dance when this song turns on.

Cupid Shuffle -Cupid

Four football seasons ago my parents bought five season tickets to the Utah Utes football games. It was then I became very interested in sports, and found out that I love following sports. I have had the opportunity to travel to some great places with the Utes. I traveled to the “Big House” in Michigan, Indiana, to see them play Notre Dame, the Fiesta Bowl in Arizona, and my favorite one New Orleans, to see the Utes play and beat Alabama. That was one of the best times in my life. I will never forget the night they beat Alabama. We had perfect timing on our New Orleans trip. We happened to end up the same places as the team was, get a Sugarbowl football signed by the team, and many more things. One of the prep rallies we were at they played the song “Cupid Shuffle” I had never heard it before, but the whole team was doing the dance to the song. Whenever I hear this song it reminds me of my great trip to New Orleans.

Sweet Escape -Gwen Stefani

In 4th grade on Valentines Day our doorbell rang. Cupid had brought us a big white shirt that said “I love NY” We then figured out that we had received a trip to New York City. We travel a lot in my family, to big cities, and exciting places. I have found a love for traveling. I remember the early morning in April. I was scared to get on the plane, I was scared for it to crash, I didn't want to watch the video on what you do if this happens, I was just scared. When we walked off the plane into the big city the song I heard playing was Sweet Escape.

Dental Care -Owl City

In 2008 I got braces. I hated those things. After a year and a half of September 29, 2010, I got my braces off. The week after we took family pictures, and school pictures. Perfect timing right? Need I say more about this song? I didn't enjoy having braces, but it was all worth it once they came off.

How Lucky You Are -Original Broadway Cast

Ever since I was little, I have preformed on the stage. I love it. One of my favorite roles was playing Mayzie in Seussical. I remember sitting up on my nest, having the greatest feeling, preforming in front of all of these people. I learned to love the stage.

I'm Still Good -Hannah Montana

At the end of 7th grade my dad lost his job. I figured everything would be okay, so I didn't worry too much. Then after about a year we still hadn't found any work. We signed the lease, and started building what would become our family owned business YOGOTOGO. Each time I listen to this song, it just reminds me that I'm still good. I have it so much better then so many other people, and I should be thankful for what I have, and not get down about what I don't have. “.. pick myself up again, I'm still good.”

Landslide -Dixie Chicks

This year, I have met some great people. I have won, and lost many things. I've made great friends, and great memories, but I've also lost things too. At the beginning of my 9th grade year, I absolutely hated it. I didn't like my classes, I really wasn't enjoying school. I met new people, my classes got better, and I changed my attitude about 9th grade. And now, it's time to move on to Davis High, where I will be meeting new people, and will be having a new experience that I can't wait for!

All my listeners, I thank you for listening to my life soundtrack. All of these songs mean something to mean, and represent me in some way. Making this album really brought back memories of my life from when I was younger, and helped me remember some of the things that were very important to me. I could have gone on forever and ever, but I'll save that for my next album. Thanks for listening.

                                                                       Love always,
                                                                                    Ashley Taylor

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Could It Be the Most Annoying Song Ever?

Have you heard this song? Friday by Rebecca Black. It's probably the most annoying song ever. Rebecca Black recorded this song called Friday. No offense to her or anything, but is it a joke? I seriously think it's the worst song ever written. It's like a two year old wrote about they're weekend. But worse. If that is possible. If you haven't heard it, go ahead and check out the music video above.

Rebecca Black might have "written" the most annoying song ever, but she did a very good thing. Even though she is getting death threats, and votes for the worse song ever, she did a very smart thing on a marketing standpoint. She wrote this terrible song, got it known on Youtube, put it on iTunes, and now, everyone is buying it. It's genius. She is going to be making milllions of dollars by writing the worst song ever. The thirteen year old, or her agent is a genius. She is getting so much attention for a terrible thing. Then think, if she did ever put out a good song, no one would buy it or listen to it because they are so annoyed with her.

One thing people have found very funny about this song is making spoofs of the video. To get the full experience of this song you have to watch the video. If you go to Youtube you will find that there are pages and pages of people making fun of her. One of my favorites is this one.
I feel so bad for Rebecca Black, but you have to admit this spoof is hilarious. Rebecca is just an innocent little thirteen year old girl who made this video for a contest. She is now receiving death threats because of how annoying her song is. I feel bad for her, but it is just so annoying.

In Rhaspody, each year we do a pops concert. This year the people in Rhaspody (mostly the boys) wanted to do this song. Listening to this song for an hour and a half every other day is quite annoying, but it gets hilarious after awhile.

Really though. What was she thinking when she put this video out? Did she think it was going to be the number one song on iTunes, for a good reason? Did she think she was going to be the girl Justin Bieber or something? Maybe she just though she was a very good singer, and she deserves all of this attention, but she was hoping for it in a good way. I mean, who would want bad attention? It's sad for her, because that is what she got. She is currently the numver one search on Yahoo!

Justin Bieber was found on Youtube, and had the most video views. This past month Rebecca passed him up for her "hit" song. Even Glee got it okayed for them to release a version of her song. Oh great! As bad as I feel for her, how can you like her. She put the most annoying song ever on iTunes! 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wanna Go Swimming?

I came home from school Wednesday afternoon and turned on the water to wash my hands. The water wasn't working at full speed. Why wouldn't the water be working at full speed? The water hadn't turned off earlier, no one in the house was taking a shower at that time. So what could it be?

Whatever, I thought. The water will get back to normal soon enough. I walked down the stairs to my room. When I stepped off the very last stair, I stepped into a puddle of water. As I kept going down the hall, it got worse and worse. "MOM!!!" I yelled, "Come downstairs right now!! Our basement is flooded!!" Sure enough, our whole finished basement was flooded. I walked into every room downstairs, all of they were flooded except one. The water went up past my ankles. The treadmill, boxes, food storage, Christmas decorations, everything was soaking wet.

I went to my officer meeting, and when I came home found five men in my house, fixing the carpet. They pulled up the carpet, took out the padding, moved all of the furniture into the one room that wasn't flooded, and sucked out all the water from the basement. The men explained to my mom that our water heater had exploded. When they told us that news, it made no sense. One month before, the plumber had come to our house to check our water heater and he told us everything was okay. Nothing was wrong with the water heater. Great plumber right? They hauled out the water heater and brought in some of my favorite things. The never ending, loud noise making, big blue fans. They didn't just bring in one, but seventeen was the lucky number. I hate those things.

Can I just say I hate those fans? I hate them so much. These loud, roaring noise, big bulky fans were everywhere. Even if you were at the other side of the house you could hear them. Because mine and my sisters rooms were flooded we were forced to sleep in the family room where luckily it hadn't flooded. I spend three long nights sleeping in there. Still, being able to hear those fans that I hate so much.

The plumber spent the whole afternoon and evening fixing the problem and told us he would be back the next day to see how much of the carpet had dried. So the next day he came, took out five fans, the next day, five more, and the next day he took out the rest of them. They told us that carpet never dries that fast when it was as wet as it was so we were very lucky. Can I just say when they unplugged that last fan a miracle happened in my house. Quite. It was a thing of beauty.

Our basement is still not put back together. My parents are thinking of redoing the carpet since the project is already half way done. Hopefully if we do that, it will be quick and not to painful. At least our basement is dry, and the fans are out of our house.

Friday, April 8, 2011

"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year"....WRONG!!

I spent the first part of this week in sunny St. George. Oh, how I am missing that now. I layed by the pool for three days straight and loved every second of it. Let's just say, I'm not enjoying the nice blizzard that we have received the last two days.

I decided that I wouldn't be taking any to St. George. Fair enough right? Wrong. Mrs. Corry strictly told my class, “Don't wait to do you're homework until Sunday night, or even the end of next week!” But guess what I did? Friday afternoon, eight days later. I still haven't done my math homework.

I very much miss the weather in St. George. If one of you can tell me why it's snowing in April I would very much appreciate that. I would also very much appreciate it if it stopped snowing. Isn't the snow supposed to fall in winter..when it's the "Most Wonderful Time of the Year?" Is anyone enjoying this wonderful weather? How was your spring break?

A Day at the Dump

As I have mentioned before, I have a lot of love towards my science teacher. I appreciate almost everything she does for my class. This term for one of our term project options she decided that it would be a great idea to let us take a field trip. Not as a class, and not during class, but by ourselves...over spring break.

I decided that this would be the choice for me. Because I didn't want to read a science book, and I definitely didn't want to plant a garden, and I wasn't on the Science Olympiad team. So a field trip was the choice for me.

So off I went. I met up with my friend Thursday morning to go to the dump. Spring break at the dump? Don't mind if I do. :) I didn't really know what to expect. I mean, it's the dump. So I though of it being stinky, and gross, full of garbage, and a bunch of people playing with garbage.

We got up to the Landfill where we met our tour guide Preston. My friend being so nice, let me squish in nice and close to this stranger, Preston. From then on Preston talked about the weeds, this pile of garbage, that pile of garbage, and what happens to everything that is brought there. I had no idea all this went on. Lots of the stuff Preston talked about I didn't necessarily understand but still, what I did, I found it very interesting.

He talked about how there is still 35 years left of room at the dump. Which will soon be 65 feet of garbage. Preston had such a passion of garbage. I could tell that this wasn't just any old place a garbage to him. He was so intense with his presentation to us of the garbage. The one thing he was very passionate about was what the dump will be like when we have grandchildren. He said that our grandchildren will be able to go to the dump and open and read a newspaper from when I was a little girl.

My trip to the dump wasn't just a trip to see a bunch of garbage. With Preston's help, he let me understand the way everything is dumped and recycled and how to help the world be a better place.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Oh Honey!

"Honey, no your wrong. You started taking piano from me in 5th grade."

"No, it was 2nd grade. That's when I moved here."

"Honey no! That's not right! I am right! I am always right. You started her in 5th grade, I remember."

Each Monday is a new surprise. I get out of the car and slowly, and dreadfully walk into my piano lesson. Always wondering what my teacher is going to be saying to my older sister when I get there. What could she possibly be teaching my sister about this week? Defiantly not piano..I know her to well. It must be another life lesson, another do this, and don't do that. She seems to have everything figured out. Anything from piano, telling me how to improve on my violin, raising a family, what my family should do, anything you bring up. You know it will last the whole lesson. I know everything about her life, and her kids. I've heard the stories ten times each.  

Every week I'm supposed to have a half an hour lesson. Usually, the piano part is about 10 minutes, and my life-lesson for the week is 30 minutes. So by the time, my sister has had a life-lesson and I have had a life-lesson, we normally aren't out of there until 4:20. Where the poor little boy after me has to sit and wait for his turn.

Don't get me wrong, I love playing the piano. It's great! I love sitting down and being able to play the keys. But lessons aren't always my favorite. As you can tell, my teacher seems to have everything in the world figured out. I often can't believe she has something to say about everything.

She wants me to be a concert pianist. She wants me practicing a hour a day, seven days a week. She wants me to major in piano playing in college. I tell her my grades are more important to me, but then she goes ahead to tell me that when she was in school she got A's and B's. She was the star of the basketball team, and then she says..."and look at me now? I'm great?" Well honey...sorry to break it to you. I don't want to be like you.

Each week I get the same lecture. Honey, you're not practicing enough, honey do the right fingering, honey you need to learn this piece! Don't procrastinate! She was rather happy to learn when I walked into my lesson today with my recital piece that I tried to hurry and learn last night..that I didn't really learn it. She told me last week “Honey, you're recital is in seven weeks! Don't procrastinate!” But what did I do? Of course, I procrastinated. And that is how it seems to be every Monday.

The mind of hers I will never understand. The voice, I will never figure out why her southern accent didn't go away twenty years ago when she moved to Utah. With each Monday being a new experience, piano never gets dull. And all you can say is Oh honey!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


I have never understood why they start 4th term when they do and then just two weeks later we have "Spring Break" Then again, I've also never understood why they call it Spring might be spring..but the weather sure isn't acting like it lately. I mean, look outside! It snowed this morning! 

I'm not really sure why I live in Utah. I've always lived here. But I'm not sure why. My parents don't like the cold weather. My dad likes it best when it's 100 degrees outside, and my mom grew up in California. I don't like the snow especially when it's the end of March!

So for Spring Break, I think we are going to go down to St. George. Stay in Utah, but that way we can get into some kind of heat. I just praying that it will be at least kind of warm while we're down there. I don't really want to be on Spring Break and be up in Kaysville where it's snowing.

Are you headed anywhere for the break? Anywhere warm? Or even somewhere cold, if you like that better? Or are you just going to stay home and spend the week to relax? Either way, I think we can all agree it's going to be nice to have a break from school so we can finish out the school year strong.

Choose You're Favorite City Tournament...

March Madness is quite the deal at my house. Each year, everyone fills out a bracket, chooses a name, and then follow the bracket in hopes that we will win. We make it a competition at my house. We keep track of points, and then at the end of each round the person that chose the most games right wins a prize.

Filling out the brackets is always very interesting. Each year, it is a rip-off. Well for me anyway. Me and my dad watch Sportscenter, we listen to the reporters to see who should win, and we always know what is going on with the teams and the tournament. My brother kind of knows what going on, and then my sister and my mom never have a clue about anything. But each year, my mom wins.

Finally, this year I asked her. "So Mom...what is your strategy for picking the teams and always winning?"

Well, you know, I just choose the city I like best."

"Wow! That is a joke! You just choose the city you like best?"

"Yes, it's as easy as that."

And guess who is winning this year? Mom. Of course. She must just like all the lucky cities.

I'm pretty sure most of the brackets are ruined this year. Most of the teams that were supposed to win are now out. My sister is out of teams on her bracket, and the rest of us just have Kansas. Which is quite scary at the moment as they are losing to a number eleven seed. If Kansas loses then maybe we will repick for the last few games since our brackets will have no more teams left.

Looks like next year I just need to start picking the cities I like best. And please, if you still have teams on you're bracket and it's doing good. Please tell me you're secrets of picking for next year. :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

3rd Term is Over! Hallelujah!

3rd term defiantly is the hardest. Mr. Thompson was right. This week has been so crazy with big projects due, and big tests. But also, my week has so far had one very funny experience.

Yesterday, I was in my clothing class sewing my quilt. At the beginning of the year Mrs. Green always tells you the stories of the people that cut off their finger or even sew through their fingers. Each time I hear those stories I always think of how dumb that is. I mean seriously, who would really sew their finger? Me.

I was in the back of the room sewing all of my little squares together. Singing to the music, talking, but working of course. Working very hard. :) And all of a sudden my foot was on the pedal, and I was pushing on it. To my surprise when my finger started hurting very bad. I was soon to realize that I had just sewn my finger. No there was no thread in it and no the needle didn't break. But yes, there was a lot of pain.

After I realized that I had just sewn my finger, I was scared, and very worried, but I also thought it was quite funny. I made sure I didn't sew my finger off or anything, and then I looked around for Mrs. Green wondering if I should tell her or not. She wasn't in the room so I decided I wouldn't. I sewed a few more squares to where the pain just got so bad I couldn't take it any longer. The cut wasn't too big, just very deep. So it wasn't bleeding to bad.

I slowly got out of my chair, and slowly walked up to tell Mrs. Green what I had just done. I then said, "Uh...Mrs. Green?"


"Uh..I just sewed my finger."

Mrs. Green laughed a little, and then made sure I was ok. I was still in shock of what I had done. She made me first, wash my hands with soap and water, then put hand sanitizer in the cut, and then some goop, and then the band-aid. It felt much better.

My finger still hurts today, and I am struggling to type this without my index finger. One of my friends told me if we were to have a bet at the beginning of the semester of who would sew there finger, she would have chosen me. But to me, it sounds just like something I would do. It was quite an interesting experience. I hope none of you have to experience sewing your finger.

A Tale of Two Cities

In the time of the French Revolution, the Manettes, and the Defarges have quite the different outlook on happiness. Sydney Carton has a life full of trial, and is soon to be executed. In A Tale of Two Cities, Sydney Carton sacrifices his life in place of Mr. Darnay. During the book, Sydney Carton learns that sacrifice in death is the truest form of love and for Lucie, he is willing to pay the price and take Darnay's place.

I see the lives for which I lay down my life, peaceful, useful, prosperous and happy, in that England which I shall see no more. I see Her with a child upon her bosom, who bears my name. I see her father, aged and bent, but otherwise restored, and faithful to all men in his healing office, and at peace. I see the good old man, so long their friend, in ten years' tine enriching them with all he has, and passing tranquilly to his reward.

I see that I hold a sanctuary in their hearts, and in the hearts of their descendants, generations hence. I see her, an old woman, weeping for me on the anniversary of this day. I see her and her husband, their course done, lying side by side in their last earthly bed, and I know that each was not more honoured and held sacred in the other's souls, then I was in the souls of both.

I see that child who lay upon her bosom and who bore my name, a man winning his way in that path of life which once was mine. I see him winning it so well, that my name is made illustrious there by the light of his. I see the blots I threw upon it, faded away. I see him, foremost of just judges and honoured men, bringing a boy of my name, with a forehead that I know and golden hair, to this place –then fair to look upon, with not a trace of this day's disfigurement – and I hear him tell the child my story, with a tender and a faltering voice.

It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.” (page 379-80)

Throughout the passage, Carton speaks of the peace he has come to with the sacrifice. He speaks of Lucie and Darnay and their child, and the life they will continue on, ever grateful for him and the choice he is making that will demonstrate his love for Lucie. As he speaks he sees them, happy and reminiscent of him, who will have given them the ultimate gift. He sees them growing to their old age, always thinking of him who gave them this life. He is desperate in some way to find favor with Lucie.

He is Christ-like in his martyred sacrifice. “...and I know that each was not more honoured and held sacred to the other's soul, than I was in the souls of both.” Here he illustrates his desire to be well regarded and praised for his sacrifice, hoping in a sense that he can be as important to each of them as they are to each other. “I see the good old man, so long their friend, in ten years' time enriching them with all he has, and passing tranquilly to his reward”. Again, here he conveys his desire for recognition for his sacrifice. That he has given them everything, and he will peacefully pass on to his next stage in life. “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.” His sacrifice is selfishly motivated. He will do the best thing he has ever done in his life, and receive greater peace and rest than he has ever enjoyed. And everyone will love him for it.

Sydney Carton gives up his life quite anxiously. He is giving up his life, being okay with it. He seems ready. He realizes a great thing, and shares that with Lucie and Darnay. He has lived a great, full life, and is fine and ready to let it go. Relief fills his voice. Sydney tells it himself in first person, looking on and looking forward to what is going to happen. What Lucie will be like, what Darnay will say. It is a life lesson that we can all follow, as others do in the book. Sometimes you have to make a sacrifice. Throughout the novel, others start living that same lesson. We can all learn to make a simple, or even a hard sacrifice.

A Tale of Two Cities has many themes you can learn, and many different lessons. The novel teaches lessons that don't always come out in books. Sydney Carton, and the people in his life, watch as he learns and lives an amazing lesson. Sacrifice. He is okay leaving, and he knows he has lived a great life.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Luck of the Irish

As I little kid, I always feared St. Patrick's Day, like most other kids. I was always scared that I was going to get pinched out. Each year as St. Patrick's Day approached the night before I would make sure my pajamas had some kind of green on them. If they didn't, I would always change my pajamas. The morning of, I would wake up and get out of bed, making sure I still had green on my pajamas. Then, I would hurray and change my clothes into something green. That way no one could pinch me while I was changing my clothes, or anytime throughout the day. I didn't ever want to be pinched, though I thought it was very fun to pinch other people.

One year, I was so excited! I was going to go to Disney on Ice. I loved Disney and could not wait any longer to go see all my favorite characters on ice. There was just one problem. It was on St. Patrick's Day, and when I was younger I didn't want to go anywhere on the day of the Irish. But I couldn't pass up Disney on Ice, so off we went. I had my green shirt on, green in my hair, my nails were painted green, I mean, I had green everywhere! I sure wasn't going to get pinched out. I stayed by my dad's side the whole times, locked in his arm so no one could even think about pinching me.

A few months ago I traveled to the campus of Notre Dame. Talk about the luck of the Irish there. Everywhere you go there are clovers, little leprechauns, and of course green. I don't think anyone there will be getting picked out on this special day.

I think my fear of getting pinched out has dissolved. But still, can't you still have fun on St. Patrick's Day? I always remember being in elementary school, 5th grade especially, the day before St. Patrick's Day. Mrs. Hepner, my teacher, would say, “Students, tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day, wear your green if you would like, but DON'T! I repeat DON'T think about pinching everyone. That will result a trip to the principals office.” But each St. Patrick's Day what do you see? All the little 3rd graders running around pinching each other. Even if they do have green on! I was thinking though, why is it known for St. Patrick's Day if you don't have green on to pinch someone? Isn't it worth it just to wear green if you have some then get pinched?

For special occasions my mom will make a special dinner. On St. Patrick's Day she always makes corn beef, potatoes, cabbage, and other Irish food. I think it makes the day fun, when around here we don't celebrate it to much. Some make it more of a celebration then others, and even though I'm not Irish, isn't it still fun to celebrate? I will defiantly be wearing green on St. Patrick's Day. I do not want to get pinched out again! To the luck of the Irish!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hello Minnestoa Timberwolves

Last month the legendary coach, Jerry Sloan, retired after twenty-two hard years as the Utah Jazz head coach. No one really knew what happened to him. Was he getting to old? Was it Derron Williams and his cocky attitude? Or was it simply that he was just done?

At first, I personally thought that it was Derron's fault. I figured that Jerry was sick and tired of putting up with all the cocky players. Jerry had had a long, great NBA coaching career and yet, he didn't need to put up with there jerky attitude. News reports came out that Derron had changed a play that Jerry had called, which didn't make Jerry to happy, and lead the Utah Jazz to a loss. It would be the first of many.

A week or two after Jerry retired the news came out totally randomly that Derron Williams had just been traded to the New Jersey Nets. Keep in mind, two years ago the Nets had the worst NBA record ever! It made people start wondering what really happened with the Derron and Jerry situation. Would Jerry come back? Why did Derron leave if now Jerry was gone? Did Jerry retire because he knew Derron was going to leave, and he didn't have the energy to rebuild a whole new Utah Jazz team?

After losing Derron and Jerry, the Jazz have had some lots of problems. They have lost 16 out of there last 23 games, just last night broke a 7 game losing streak at home, and almost have a losing record. Before all of the drama by the Utah Jazz, they were 6th in the playoff spots. Well guess what they are now? 10. The playoffs aren't looking to bright of an opportunity for the Jazz.

Each team has there ups and downs. This is obviously a down for the Jazz. We don't have a star player, and five of our players from last year are starting on a another team this year. They could make there own “leave Utah” team. Usually each team has a star player. Kobe Bryant and the Lakers. Dwight Howard and the Orlando Magic. And now it's __________ and the Utah Jazz. I like to put it this way, hello Minnesota Timberwolves. Hello the team that is star-less, coach-less, and needs all the help they can get.

Maybe I am just a poor sport, but now I don't really want to cheer for the Jazz. I wish Jerry Sloan was still our coach, and because of the mess that Derron caused with him and leaving, I don't really want to cheer for the Jazz. Last night, I was watching them play the Sacramento Kings. They Kings need lots of help too. They aren't very good. So sadly, this was going to be a good game. At the end of the 4th quarter it was close, and soon lead to overtime. The crowd was on there feet because the Jazz were winning by one point. I wasn't even there, but you could hear it in the crowd. It sounded like a playoff game. It sounded like the Jazz were beating the Lakers or something. I mean seriously people! How desperate can the people in Utah get to see the Jazz win? And yes, they did win. Which means Ty Corbin there new coach has won two games! Woo hoo! It was incredible to me that the people could get so into the game, and so loud, just to see the Jazz beat the Kings.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bieber Fever? Check.

I officially have the "Bieber Fever." As long as our "long weekend" was I spent three of the hours staring at something beautiful. Justin Bieber. I have to admit, I was very excited to go, but I wasn't sure I quite had the Bieber fever. And now, I have more then the Bieber fever.

Saturday afternoon, I put on my 3-D glasses with 50 other of the "biggest Justin Bieber fans." And yet, I didn't want to talk them off. So...I went back today! :) The girls I was with on Saturday after the movie all said they had changed there mind about him. Instead of him just being a young boy with an extremely high voice. He had a story, and it wasn't any Miley Cyrus story.

From watching the movie, it sounds like Justin Bieber was raised by a very young mom, didn't have a dad, and spent lots of time with his grandparents. As I thought about it his mom very well could have put him up for adoption and he would have had a completely different life. But instead, she suffered her weekends to take care of this soon to be famous little boy.

The movie focuses on how he got to be where he was. Justin talks about how sometimes he wishes he had a normal teenage life, but he knows he signed up for this and so this is what he is going to do. I think that is really cool. He is so young and I bet after a while he gets tired of all the screaming girls, and all the cameras. I thought that was a very mature way to handle his situation. He signed up to become a world famous singer and he isn't going to whine about not have a normal weekend, or life.

It's very very funny watching all the screaming girls. They are so far away from him at the concert but they are still crying! The tweet after tweet, poster after poster. The fans are always screaming for him! The five year old girls, or even the twenty year old women, they all seem like they will be able to marry him one day! Even one of my friends who didn't like him before texted me and told me she can't seem to get him off her mind!

After watching the movie I don't know how anyone cannot have the "Bieber fever." It's just so great! I didn't want the movie to end! I really enjoyed learning more about how he was found and became famous. You might just think he is just a little boy with a high voice, but the movie has changed a lot of peoples opinion. When the sweet five year old with his big brown eyes is strumming the guitar, or even the sixteen year old, famous star sits there playing the piano and singing to the can you not get the "Bieber fever?" It's so dreamy!As cheesy as it sounds, did you get the “Bieber fever?” :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Love

“I am very sorry about not doing this essay,” Sasha quickly thought in her mind after she heard about this essay. “I just was spending all my time reading the great book The Tale of Two Cities,” Sasha joked once more.
I just love homework. It's one of my specialties. Whenever a teacher gives me homework I quickly thank them for my homework, and then dash off to my next class. (Where I pray for homework.) If I could spend my whole day doing homework I would. However, I don't. I have something better to do. It's called stalking Preston.
I have a pounding love for this boy. His name is Preston. He's cute, funny, and very very strong! Preston is the head of the chess club. So of course, me being Sasha, I had to join. It was probably the best thing I ever did. Every afternoon I go and play Preston at chess. We are the only two in the club so more flirting time for me!! Yay!! Every time I look at Preston, my heart starts pounding, and I get butterflies in my stomach. I almost have a heart attack!
Today is Valentine's Day. I got Preston a BIG present. He didn't get me anything, just a new chess board for himself. Since I broke his old one. The game was just so intense! Anyway, this morning I went and heart attacked his front door and left him from chocolates. I got them last year for Valentine's. I bit out of one of them to make sure it wasn't stale. And don't worry, I put it back in the heart shaped box so he could have my DNA!! Muhahaha! I'll marry him somehow! I also wrote him a poem, it goes like this.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'm sorry I broke your chess board,
Please don't go boo hoo.

Your eyes sparkle like a bright night light,
It makes you glow in the night.
I hope you enjoy your present,
Sorry I look like a pheasant.

Your chocolates are a year old,
I hope they're not too cold.
This poem is especially for you,
It took a lot of time too.

Love forever and ever,

That poem took me a very long time to write. I spent days, weeks, even months thinking of this mind boggling poem! Isn't it great? Me and Preston aren't really the same type of people. But that's okay, I'll deal with it. I mean I like Pokemon, checkers, and Barbies. And Preston, he just likes Spiderman, chess, and action figures. Me and Preston, we're just so good together! We play chess the same way. We have the same strategy. At first when he was teaching me how to play I thought you tried to kill the knight, but Preston told me I was wrong. I just have a real special place in my heart for Preston. No one really likes him, but I sure think he is great. I hope he enjoyed my poem, and my year old chocolates.

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Sudden Love for Science Class

Oh! How I love my science class so much! I can not even tell you in words how much I enjoy going to Biology each day. Everyday is a new adventure. I just love making DNA molecules, and 3-D animal cells. Each day it just gets better and better. Whenever I remember it's A day, it's always a great day.

Probably one of my favorite parts of Biology class is the weekly vocabulary quizzes. I really appreciate those. I mean my life is just so much better now that I know what a semiconservative replication is. I mean really, that just made my day. I love memorizing 40 vocabulary words each week. I use the words so much. It really is a blessing to have it them in my life. Like today when I was talking to my friend at school this is how our conversation went: "Wow your outfit is so cute! It's almost like a mutation of clothes, and your hair! Wow! Look at it! There are little okazaki fragments in it! Cute!" I mean, the words I learn are everyday words. Nucleosome, messenger RNA, exons, I mean I could go on for 12 more chapters.

But wait! It gets better! Wednesday Webwork! I almost always forget about it! It's so great! I enjoy trying to get 100% every time. It usually take 3 or 4 times. I know you don't think that this class can get any better but guess what! It does! The pop quizzes are probably my favorite part. Each day you might just get tested on your knowledge of the animal or plant cell. It's great.

One of the greatest parts of the classroom is the room behind the science class. I think it's a jungle. There are all of these great big trees and other mysterious things. I just would really like to go exploring in there. Though, I might get attacked by a carnivorous, eating monster. You never know what may be hiding in a science "behind the scenes" classroom.

Last but not least, what I really am in love with is science media. I love Bill Nye. I just have a science crush on him. His show just makes me love science. I love the "Try This at Home" segment, because I always do the experiment. Bill Nye's show is probably my second favorite thing in this world. My science class comes in first that is. Or I really like the shows where they show the insides of bodies, or animals. I think that's really cool. I don't get scared or grossed out or anything! I just think it's great all around. One of my other favorite things is the songs. The 1st grade songs that are composed are just so great and help me learn so much! But they aren't annoying. Not one bit. When I was looking at my iTunes today...guess what? The one on DNA and other interesting facts are most played on my iPod.

Science is probably my favorite class. And well, you can tell why. It just brings joy to my face when I get to walk into the wonderful classroom. It's like history is being made there. I hope you all have the life-long lasting experiences like I do.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Long Lasting Guilty Pleasure

You might call me crazy but for the last 10 years of my life guess what I have spent it doing? Watching American Idol. I just can't seem to get enough of it. I know, it's dumb and quite the waste of time but I just can't stop watching it. You may call it my guilty pleasure.

Each year, it seems to get worse. The winners get worse, the auditions are as bad as ever, and according the the Internet the TV viewers last season were as low as ever. But I just can't stop watching it. I remember when it first started and I was just little and each season I dreamed of being on the show. All I wanted to do was audition for Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, and Randy Jackson. (If they we're nice to me that is.) I wanted to be the next American Idol. Each year I would wish that they would come to Utah and I would grow up a little faster so I could audition. I didn't want to be the person in the pink bunny suit with dinky music in the background. I wanted to be the next Idol.

Thankfully they made some changes. They got rid of Ellen after last year, and they finally got rid of the crazy drugie Paula Abdul. This year they brought in Steven Tyler, and Jennifer Lopez. I defiantly think the judges this year are much better. Steven Tyler is like the greatest rockstar ever (besides KISS Mr. Thompson:)) But I also think that the three judges just know what they are talking about. They are all great musicians. Each year my dad prays that we won't have to watch the show again but me and my sister don't give in. But I would have to say that this year with the new judges, and a new remodel of the show, it has gotten much better.

The question I always ask myself through the painful auditions is: Do you really think your good? I mean seriously, what made you think it was a good idea dress up in this beautiful costume and go on national television? You stink! Go back to your baby city and sing to the drunk people in the bar..they won't hear a thing your saying! I think it's so funny! The judges are just flat out mean to the people that can't sing. Then, that person always gets the American Idol sign over there mouth but it's there own fault they went on the show if they can't sing!

Each week when Wednesday comes I can't possibly wait for seven o'clock to come! And then after it's over and can't wait for Thursday night for more Idol. Then, I live my long, sad week without it. I need an Idol boost by next Wednesday. It's my guilty pleasure that I can't seem to get over. I may be the only person at Fairfield Junior High that watches American Idol but I don't really care. It may be the most rigid, fake, useless, over exaggerated show but oh well! American Idol is still my favorite show. And of course, my guilty pleasure. :)