Every second the clock ticks. Every sixty seconds a new number shows, and every sixty minutes, a bigger number shows. I though, wouldn't know. Lately, I have noticed that I can't read a clock. Sure, I can read the digital clock shining on my phone, but an analog clock? No way!
The other day my dad asked me what time it was.
"One second, let me go find my phone and look." I said.
"Well isn't there one on the wall you can read?" My dad asked.
"Yes, but I can't read it."
And down the jaws dropped. "You can't read an analog clock?" My parents asked. "Nope. I can't!" I said. And then the peanut gallery chimed in, "Dude! Dad! I can't read one either!" Shows you our technology now days, right?
It's never really occured to me that I might one day need to read a clock, but honestly, I can't tell you what hand reads what, what hour it is, or anything without looking on a digital clock. I remember learning in elementary, but I forgot how to use those skills I've now lost.
After I realized I couldn't read an analog clock, I then began to think of other things with time that are weird. If you know the answers, let me know.
In money, you go up to ninety-nine cents, but in time you only go up to sixety. Why did they do that? Do any of you know the answer?
I think it is probably pretty pathetic that I don't know how to read the analog clock, but then I got thinking, how many of us really do? Is it just me, or is that analog clocks are getting less and less popular, and so people use digital clock now that you don't even need anything to be able to read them? My new goal for summer: learn how to read a clock.
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