Thursday, April 21, 2011

Could It Be the Most Annoying Song Ever?

Have you heard this song? Friday by Rebecca Black. It's probably the most annoying song ever. Rebecca Black recorded this song called Friday. No offense to her or anything, but is it a joke? I seriously think it's the worst song ever written. It's like a two year old wrote about they're weekend. But worse. If that is possible. If you haven't heard it, go ahead and check out the music video above.

Rebecca Black might have "written" the most annoying song ever, but she did a very good thing. Even though she is getting death threats, and votes for the worse song ever, she did a very smart thing on a marketing standpoint. She wrote this terrible song, got it known on Youtube, put it on iTunes, and now, everyone is buying it. It's genius. She is going to be making milllions of dollars by writing the worst song ever. The thirteen year old, or her agent is a genius. She is getting so much attention for a terrible thing. Then think, if she did ever put out a good song, no one would buy it or listen to it because they are so annoyed with her.

One thing people have found very funny about this song is making spoofs of the video. To get the full experience of this song you have to watch the video. If you go to Youtube you will find that there are pages and pages of people making fun of her. One of my favorites is this one.
I feel so bad for Rebecca Black, but you have to admit this spoof is hilarious. Rebecca is just an innocent little thirteen year old girl who made this video for a contest. She is now receiving death threats because of how annoying her song is. I feel bad for her, but it is just so annoying.

In Rhaspody, each year we do a pops concert. This year the people in Rhaspody (mostly the boys) wanted to do this song. Listening to this song for an hour and a half every other day is quite annoying, but it gets hilarious after awhile.

Really though. What was she thinking when she put this video out? Did she think it was going to be the number one song on iTunes, for a good reason? Did she think she was going to be the girl Justin Bieber or something? Maybe she just though she was a very good singer, and she deserves all of this attention, but she was hoping for it in a good way. I mean, who would want bad attention? It's sad for her, because that is what she got. She is currently the numver one search on Yahoo!

Justin Bieber was found on Youtube, and had the most video views. This past month Rebecca passed him up for her "hit" song. Even Glee got it okayed for them to release a version of her song. Oh great! As bad as I feel for her, how can you like her. She put the most annoying song ever on iTunes! 

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