Thursday, December 23, 2010

A New Tradition

One thing my parents are very good at is thinking up new ideas. Not only do they think up great and fun ideas and actives but they think of things for the long run. Each Christmas Eve we normally go down to Taylorsville and have a little yearly visit. Yes, I said yearly. It is usually quite awkward for me and my brother and sister. All we see are these little kids running around that I don't remember from the year before. And I don't exactly know the siblings of my dad's dad to well so it's always an interesting night. A few years ago I really enjoyed the party. I got to see my great grandparents who I liked a lot. But now they are deceased and so now there is no point for the party. My great grandparents kids have their own families to celebrate with now so according to the email...the Taylor family party is....CANCELLED! And now, my parents have though up a great tradition to start.
 My parents are always thinking ahead. The question that they ask themselves is "How can this be a tradition that will last in our family forever?" They want to be the grandparents that we don't really have. When me and my siblings are grown up they want to have fun traditions for the grandkids so they can come over to Grandma and Grandpa Taylor's house. Tomorrow night it will be soup for dinner, then baking and decorating cookies for Santa, and a fun round of Bingo. And in years to come when the grandkids come over everyone can bring a different kind of soup, each family can take a plate of cookies home for Santa, and everyone can leave with a prize from Bingo.
I like starting new traditions, and it makes me excited for my (future) family that they can have fun traditions to look forward too.

A Long Winter's Nap

The school bell rang on Friday afternoon. I was so thrilled! No more school for two weeks. This Christmas break would be nothing but fun. I knew I had some homework to do but I didn't think it would all pile up like it has. One word came into my mind.

To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.
I thought the break would be a long winters nap. Fun in the snow, different activies, and just relaxing. On Monday my mom reminded me saying "This break is going to go faster then you think." And what do you know? It's Thursday afternooon, and I haven't really done any of my homework. And by tomorrow, it's Christmas Eve, then Christmas, and then Sunday. That loses three more days and now keep in mind we'll lose days next week to because of New Years. So I guess the lesson I'm taking from this Christmas Break is don't procrastinate. Leaving extra credit, a book to read, math assignment, and a whole scrapbook for two weeks isn't very smart. But at least I'm doing my blog. :) So much for a long winters nap. Oh well! Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Christmas Tradition

Each year the weekend before Christmas as a family we go down to Salt Lake and have a little "vacation." We normally leave on Friday afternoon after school, go check into our hotel and the weekend starts. But this year we aren't leaving until this afternoon. After my beautiful piano recital. (That's probably the greatest Christmas present.)

After my recital we will drive into Salt Lake, check into our hotel and go ice skating. I absoluetly love ice skating though I am not very good at it. I can't seem to do tricks like all of the professionals. My favorite part of ice skating is when zambonie comes out and goes over the ice. Skating on the fresh, smooth ice is the best it can get. After our time on the ice it will probably be time for dinner. My mom keeps saying "Oh! I'm so excited for our weekend. We are going to have so much fun and eat great food." Which yes, is true. Have you ever been to Rodizio Grill in Trolley Square? Well if you haven't it's like heaven on earth. Waitress bring different kinds of meats to your table and they slice you off a piece. The waitresses just keep coming and coming and coming. I always make myself sick eating there!

We will then drive over to temple square and see the beautiful lights and read the nativity My family always makes fun of my when we read the nativity because last year when we were reading the nativity I wasn't really paying attention and my sister said "Pay attention!" My family then asked me why I seemed to be off in another world and this was my reply "Because I already know the story. It never changes. Why doesn't it ever change?" Ok, we'll just leave that story at that. Probably not one of my greatest blonde moments. The nativity at my house is now known as “The story that never changes.”

Each year after walking around temple square we usually go on a carriage ride. It's always been one of my favorite traditions. Waving at the little kids, seeing Santa, seeing the lights, and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. This year when my mom called to schedule our appointment they said we would have to take two carriages because they can't fit five in a carriage. My mom said no thanks. Riding with your family in the carriage is the best part. My parents say they have thought of something new that we can start doing this year for another great tradition.

Tomorrow morning we will wake up early and put on our Sunday dress. We have tickets to Music and the Spoken Word and after that David Archuelta is preforming! I can't wait! First, I love listening the the Mormon Tabernacle Choir it's so peaceful and beautiful. And now having David Archuleta there will make it even more amazing and beautiful. If you catch my drift! :) After the concert we will head over to Little America for Brunch. Which should be amazing since it always is.

Anyway, thats one of my little family's tradition. What are some of yours? What makes you excited for this wonderful time of year? I hope you all have a great and safe break. Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Utah Thing

The excitement fills the air when school starts. Who will come and ask my sister to homecoming? How will he ask? How will we answer? And so on. Throughout the school year, there are six dances. Three when the girl gets to ask, and three when the boy gets to ask. With a sister, you have the excitement of finding a dress, finding the accessories, and then actually getting ready for the dance.

The clock ticked yesterday afternoon. Waiting for the time to come when my sister could start getting ready. At my house I am known as the "beauty assistant." I test the makeup on my face to make sure we have the right eyeshadow, I help with the hair, I paint the nails, and whatever else needs to be done.

I think the whole thing is very entertaining. I love going to the dress shop and finding the perfect dress. The process of finding one can sure take a long time, but there are so many to choose from. I think it is so fun to look at all the different dresses.

But I think on of my favorite parts is the asking and the answering part. My mom says they ask and answer differently in Utah. Where she grew up in California you just call the person up and ask them if they want to go to the dance with you. But in Utah, you do the whole affect. You send them on a scavenger hunt, or make them go caroling around then neighborhood, play the game "Guess Who?" or leave them a path of glow sticks in their neighborhood leading to you name.

The whole process is fun for me, and I'm not even the one going to the dance! I can't wait until it's my turn to ask to the dance. But for now, being the "beauty assistant" will have to do. :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

An Early Christmas...For Some

Yesterday I came home from school. There were already presents under our Christmas tree, and one had a special note on it. "Jonah: Open December 7th." As my brother wandered around the house making sure I knew that he got to open a Christmas present tomorrow. I was sitting on the couch doing homework and I asked from the couch what Christmas present my brother was getting tomorrow. No answer. Of course. I went up to my mom with my sweetest voice, "Mom, what is in the present that Jonah gets to open tomorrow? Don't you want to tell me?"

 "No." Was her nice reply. "I won't be telling you."

So over to the tree I went. Shaking the box up and down. I mean, I really just wanted to know what could be hiding inside that skinny little box. My dad came home and I asked him the same question. "Don't you want to tell me what is inside that box?"

"No." He said. "We have never told what Christmas presents are before Christmas day, and we never will."

I figured that was all the asking for the day. They obviously weren't going to tell me.

This morning I was downstairs getting ready when my sister yelled down the stairs "Ashley! Jonah opened his present! It's two tickets to see the Miami Heat play the Utah Jazz tomorrow night!"

I was so mad! I would love to go see the Heat play. LeBron, Wade, and Bosh! That's awesome! But no. Guess where I will be? Singing my little heart out at the choir concert. Which not to mention will be a disaster. So tomorrow while I am singing a happy Christmas song, my brother and dad will be watching the "big three."

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Secret Journal of Brett Colton

Dear Kay Lynn Magnum,
I just finished your book "The Secret Journal of Brett Colton" When I first started reading it, I didn't know what would happen in the story. I had heard about the rage of the book, and decide it was the right book for me to read.
In reading the book, I put the characters into my life. Me. I was Kitty. A high school girl, in my own little bubble. Worrying how to get through high school. My sister turned into Sam. Though my sister and her don't really have the same personality. Your brother as my brother, and Jason. The hot shot of the school. The one all of the girls squealed over, the one that gets your heart racing when you talk to him. He was the one you wanted to been seen with walking down the halls.
I had feeling for this book. I felt that I connected to the life of Kitty. My sister battled the same disease as Brett had. She is a survivor. As I read journal entry after journal entry of Brett’s, I wondered how an 18 month old girl could handle this disease. I wasn't when my sister and parents struggled through this trail, but journal after journal that I read, I wondered how they could have possibly survived the pain, and the sorrow. How could such a young girl handle something like this? She couldn't expression how she was feeling. She couldn't express the pain. My parents say the doctors couldn't ever believe that such a little girl could go shot after shot and treatment after treatment without ever crying.
One thing that I thought of a lot in this book was religion. Kitty didn’t have a religion. Where living in Utah, that could be hard. Everyone here mostly believes the same thing. The kids you are surrounded by at school all go to the same church, and same activities. Kitty became interested in the LDS church. Her parents though didn’t want anything to do with it. I thought of how hard that would have been. To do something different, to not follow the crowd. Lots of people have a hard time doing what they really think is right. They do what would make them “cool” or “popular.” This book really made me realize how much faith Kitty had in herself. She kept trying. She didn’t give up.
I think one of the highlights of the book is little Emily. Emily brought happiness into Kitty's life. Even when Kathy was sad or angry it seemed to be Emily that brought happiness into Kitty's life. I thought of such a little girl. She had such a positive attitude all of the time. In each of the trails she faced, I just imagined a little girl with a big bright smile. It made me think of how many people in this world are as positive as Emily? How many kids do you hear with happiness like hers?
This book made me think. The experiences that Kitty had, the people she meet, and the hardships she went through. But yet, everything seemed to be okay in the end. She helps everyone learn something new in the book. How to appreciate everyone and everything. Everything in Kitty’s life fell almost perfectly into place in my life, and the others surrounding it. Thank you for the amazing life story you shared with me.

                                                                            Ashley Taylor


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Blizzard is Coming! The Blizzard is Coming!

Who knew a blizzard could be such a big deal. Yesterday I went to school like it was a normal day. All of a sudden in each of my classes someone would ask me about the blizzard. "Have you heard about the 3 o'clock blizzard?" "A blizzard a blizzard! We are going to get locked in the building!" “Ah! I'm going to be locked inside all night because of the blizzard!” I had no idea a blizzard could be such a big deal.

Mr. Davis got on the intercom multiple times to remind students to get out of the school as fast as possible. They canceled the basketball game, and play practice. The janitors started cleaning early. I couldn't figure out what made a blizzard such a big deal. So I texted my mom and was like "What is the big deal about this blizzard? We live in Utah...We are always going to have snow."  And she said "It can just get dangerous if the wind is blowing extra hard, and there is lots of snow." My sister, Aubrey was texting me saying "My teacher is showing us the blizzard report, the blizzard is coming! The blizzard is coming!" I got released from my 4th period five minutes early, and I hurried out of the school so I didn't get stuck in the blizzard.

I went home waiting for the blizzard. Waiting to be stuck inside all night. I mean this was a big deal! The clock ticked to 3 o'clock. And just me being a smart-alec, I stared out my window waiting for this blizzard. The trees stayed still, the snow didn't fall. The clock kept ticking and the blizzard didn't come. The blizzard was late! And then finally the blizzard came. It snowed for a whole 20 minutes. I mean, the wind blew like normal, and the snow fell like it does in a normal winter. Wow! This was quite the blizzard! My brother went outside in the blizzard. “NO JONAH! DON'T GO OUT IN THE BLIZZARD! YOU'LL DIE! THE WIND WILL KILL YOU!” Around 6 o'clock we turned on the news. Lets just put it this way...The news is so dramatic. They have their three reporters out in different cities. Whatever the reporters names are, there are out in the "blizzard." And they have on their winter coat. Snow is in their eyebrows, hair, their nose is red. It was so ridiculous. Put on a hat! Put on some gloves! Seriously! They try and make it much worse then it is. And then they are doing the weather. "The high is 15 degrees tomorrow." And they started making a huge deal about that. Isn't it usually 15 degrees this time of year?

Anyway, I guess we experienced quiet the "blizzard"yesterday. The blizzard of 2010. And now as I look outside, it looks the same as it normally does this time of year. Snow. But I have never heard of such a big deal for it snowing outside. Oops. I mean such a big deal for a "blizzard.”

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saving Thanksgiving

The other day a teacher from Davis High School came in to YOGOTOGO. Her shirt said "Save Thanksgiving" She said that one of the other teachers at Davis High was selling these shirts, in hopes that people would give more thanks to thanksgiving, and stop getting ready and excited for Christmas so early. But now, I've already passed thanksgiving and I am ready for Christmas.

Last night when I came home from my grandma's house my Christmas lights were sparkling on the roof of my house. The shimmer of the lights was amazing! I started getting so excited! Christmas time really is a happy time, people are so happy, and much more grateful.

I had my three year old cousin with me. She lives in California where they don't get to much snow. We were inside coloring and it started snowing. She said “Rain! Rain!” No Claudia, that is snow. She had never seen anything like it. So I took her outside and we starting playing and catching snowflakes on our tongues. I realized that I should probably be more grateful of snow, because someone like my little cousin who has never seen snow before loved it instantly. While I'm wishing it would just go away.

I got out my winter coat, my hat, and my scarf to leave for Curtains at Davis High School. I walked outside, and while I was still freezing I was happy to see it snowing. I started feeling a little holiday cheer. I was getting kind of excited for the holiday season. And then I woke up this morning.

I woke up and came upstairs. I looked out the window to just a little bit of snow. It didn't look like it had snowed much during the night, and then it started snowing harder and harder. I decided to not do my homework and start loading Christmas music on my iPod. Yes, I know. I'm not saving Thanksgiving. It's not that I'm not thankful for Thanksgiving, and the wonderful meal my grandma is going to make for me. I love Thanksgiving. The whole day is great! Food, football, and family. But when there is snow on the ground, and your snuggled up in your blanket with your hot chocolate. How can you not start thinking about Christmas?

I do really enjoy this time of year. I like the snow for the first little bit, but then I just get tired of being wet and cold. I love the traditions that my family has this time of year. But I'm fine with a month of snow rather then 5 months. One boy in my seminary class this week said he wishes he could snowboard all year long. So, I guess I should just be grateful that we have this beautiful time of year. And that Utah gets snow. Because that makes Christmas Christmas. Maybe I'm not "saving thanksgiving" as much as I should. So I'll say this, hAppY tHanKSgiViNG, hAppY tHanKSgiViNG, hAppY tHanKSgiViNG to all!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Can It Really be True?

Could this really be happening? I have been asking myself this question a lot lately. One thing that to me "can't really be happening" right now is my reading. Now, for some of you that know me really well, one thing you probably know is that I don't like reading. I could spend hours reading current events, or sports talk. Which I guess technically is reading, but I don't think of it as reading. So let's just say. I don't like reading books.

Book after book I drag on reading. I realize that I need to read. It's been part of my grades since 1st grade (if 3rd grade grades really count :) and book after book, year after year, I have never been able to find a book that I am "crazy over."  

At the beginning of the year I was looking on Shelfari of books that might be interested in. And sure enough I found one. "The Secret Journal of Bret Colton" by an Utah native. This is a true story. A girl living her life through high school, the trails, and life I would think that almost every high school student has. Let me tell ya, I am hooked on this book! I have read almost 150 pages in the last 2 days. And to some of you that might be nothing but for me, that's something! The last few nights while I have been doing my homework I say "Oh man, I have so much stuff to do. I just want to read my book." It's like I have a virus or something. My sister was like "Did you just say you want to read your book?" My little brother said "Ashley are you sure you're alright?"

Every night, I want to read my book. I want to be done doing my math homework, or doing my web works, learning new countries. I just want to read my book. It seems crazy to me and my family that I actually want to read. But I guess it's good, for me. And my grade.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Seasons of Love

As months come and go, so do seasons. Leaves change color, snow falls, it feels like the wet will never end. The days turn dreary, cold, wet, and dark. Don't you think it ruins the energy of the day? Sometimes you can feel the breeze of the cold air coming in the classroom, sometimes you can just see the snow falling. The excitement feels the air for some people, but for me. Not so much.

When asked the question "Would you rather be hot for the rest for your life or cold?" I have a answer, I don't even need to think for one second. "HOT!" I say nice and clear. "Hot hot hot!" How could you ever live being cold? As I walk outside with my friends back and forth from school on of my friends always opens her arms big, takes a big breath and says "Wow! I love winter! I love snow!" I will never understand her meaning for the love of snow.

I was enjoying this last week, the first week of November, 70 degrees. Life is good. Capris in November. How great! The snow is great for Christmas and the Holiday. But I think it would be ok if it disappeared after that. I don't like the feeling of being cold. It's uncomfortable to me, I would rather be laying out in the sun then cuddling up in a blanket.

I enjoy skiing and sledding, and yes, building a snowman with my brother is always fun. Utah does have great snow, and maybe I should be more grateful that we have snow to do things with. But one month of snow is good enough for me, rather then 5 months. Looks like today my 70 degree weather has past. I think it time to say, mErRY cHRIsmAS!

Monday, November 1, 2010

A New Rivalry

As the college football season continues a new rivalry has set in. TCU vs. Utah. The last 3 Utes’ seasons of Utah football my family has had season tickets. Some people like to sit with the MUSS.  Some prefer Junior Utes’ seats. But ours are with the Crimson Club. 2008. One of the greatest football seasons in Utah. 13-0. The Utes traveled to New Orleans for the Sugar Bowl. I was there. I saw Utah win the BCS bowl. They were the BCS busters of 2008. If you know anything about football, Utah is not considered a "BCS" team. It's not fair for us since our men’s football team is so good. So for that reason we are moving next season to the PAC-12 Conference.
I have traveled a lot of places with the Utes the last 3 years. To the Big House in Michigan, to the spice of New Orleans, from the Heat in Arizona, and in just two more weeks to South Bend, Indiana to see the Utes take on the Notre Dame Fighting Irish. Most weekends I spend home with my family, watching the football games. I watch the pregame, the game, and the postgame. My friends normally have plans, but I like to stay home and watch the game, if I'm not there cheering on the 10 yard line. My sister says she "doesn't get it." She often asks why I would rather stay home and watch football, and not go out with my friends. She says "How does this entertain you?" It just does.  
The Utes’ scores improve every week, now averaging over 40 points a game. The Utes play all their games, but it all comes down to the last game. BYU vs. Utah. The "Holy War" as most people like to call it. It's intense. I'm on the edge of my seat. Nervous, I am shaking.  All I want is a Utah victory. There is not a worse feeling then going to school, or checking your phone after the Utes have fallin'. But this weekend there is a new rivalry. Theirs a new team in town.
2 undefeated teams. One ranked #4 in the BCS poll and one #5. After this game one will fall and one will stay undefeated. College Game Day is even coming. That show airs every Saturday morning from 7-10. The gameday crew travels to the campus that has the biggest game that weekend. And this weekend it's TCU vs. Utah. The campus is going to be packed, crazy people lining up to be on TV at 5 o'clock in the morning, it's going to be a mad house. It's going to be cold. For cryin' out loud it's November! But people are still going to go. Tickets to the actual game are selling for hundreds of dollars, people are dyin' to go! It's black-out day in Rice-Eccles stadium. The crowd will be filled in black. The team, in there new black-out uniforms. It will be a great game, and all I can hope for is a Utah victory. I will be there. Cheering my loudest for the Utes. There is only one champion. They only except 2 BCS busters. And the Utes want it, 3 undefeated seasons in 6 years. That is huge. It can happen. Ours is a winning season. And only a winning season. The Utes can do it. GO UTES!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Intervention? Is it a good thing?

I wrote a blog post on Intervention a few weeks ago, but I think I have changed my opnion on intervention. At first I thought it was a good thing, people can get homework done, do whatever needs to be done. But I am starting to think it is a waste of time.

I get good grades, as I think most of you do. So I don't ever have a classroom I have to go to. So my options are gym, play dough, computer lab, or silent reading. When I am given 35 minutes during school to do whatever I need to do I don't really want to waste time. I can play play dough at home or play football with my brother after school. So I have now narrowed my options down to computer lab, or just a regular intervention.

Usually during homeroom I spend my time reading, but I can't really imagine that a science intervention is going to be quiet enough for me to read. So here I sit in the computer lab.

Overall, I have decided that I personally don't really like intervention. I think of it as a waste of time, and I would rather be in class or at home doing something productive, rather then saying "I guess I can find something to do on the computer." For me personally, I wish that we just had regular homeroom everyday because I think I accomplish more in Mrs. Cobia's homeroom.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Roamin' the Streets of Portland

Whenever I'm in the car and there are bikers on the road in my way it makes me mad. I can't ever figure out why a biker deserves room in the road. I have always thought that a good place for them would be the sidewalk, or the edge of the street where car's aren't driving. The rider and their bike could fit perfectly fine on the side of the road to stay out of my way.

There aren't too many bikers on the roads in Kaysville, their aren't even too many in Utah. Over UEA weekend I had the chance to travel to Portland, Oregon. Let me tell ya, there are lots of bikers there. They were riding everywhere. Portland is a beautiful place. I have never really had interest in riding bikes but while we were there it looked completely fun to me to ride around Portland, over the bridges, by the lakes, through the busy streets.

My dad found a place that we could rent bikes by the hour. So from our hotel we walked about a mile to the bike shop. They have a map of about a 12 miles route you can follow. "12 miles?" I thought to myself "That will take a century." We put on our helmets, got on our bikes and started off the route. My family isn't really in to biking. We don't have the gear, or the certain this or that, we just wanted to ride around town.

My dad had printed off a list of fun things to see or do in Portland and a lot of it was on the route. We went to lunch at a Pub to see the their secret ingredient in there pizza crust was, then to the smallest park. Over one bridge, the next thing I knew I was in Washington State. Just like that we had crossed the border. We went back over another bridge and we were back in Portland. 

It was so fun riding around the streets of Portland. I never knew riding a bike could be so fun. Whether it was from, riding to lunch, over bridges, to the NIKE store, or even the Oregon Ducks store. It was a blast! Hopefully after my fun time riding I can be a little more leant to the bikers riding around the little streets of Kaysville.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Together We Did

7 months had past. Nothing came up, nothing had happened. It was now December of 2009. In May, my Dad lost his job as the CEO of a company up in South Ogden. The owner feared the economy and decided he could run the company by himself. We had hope that my Dad would find something. But 7 months later there was no luck.

My family had been vacationing in San Diego the Christmas of 2008. We were looking for a treat when we came upon a self-serve frozen yogurt shop. We loved it. We could each create the treat of our dreams – something that was individual and unique. When we returned home we found one in Utah and visited there frequently. Every time we went to one it was busy. As more months passed we wondered if it was the thing for our family to do to make a living.

We did our research, got the statistics, and traveled around Utah to see other yogurt shops. As we traveled around Utah we paid attention to a few things: how we were treated, what the atmosphere was like, and how the yogurt tasted. It was important to us that if we did open a yogurt shop we had a happy and cheerful environment, served top quality yogurt, and we wanted our customers to be treated with great care.

I will never forget the day we signed the lease for YOGOTOGO. Then we opened June 21, 2010. Together we could.

If it wasn’t for our family effort we would never have opened YOGOTOGO. Everyone had great ideas to share, and we helped out each step of the way. One of the things we like to do is brainstorm together. We design YoGO-isms as we dream and create with each other.  Together we can.

My Dad has the visual ideas. He did the interior design. He also keeps very good track of the sales, costs of goods, and inventory so we know what we need, and when we need it. But lots of the things my Dad does requires a phone call or an errand. This is where my Mom comes in. My Mom helps a lot at the shop being there to make sure everything is running smoothly and things are taken care of. But one of the most important things she does is make the phone calls and run the errands. Otherwise, without her we would run out of something, or our products wouldn’t be delivered on time.
       I always think that what I do doesn’t help that much. But without mine and my siblings help, YOGOTOGO would be different. Whether it’s the Friday night we spend there as a family, or the extra hour we spend after closing to clean, or even by the word we spread. By just talking about it, or when someone brings it up that might be one more Yogoteer coming to support my family.
       We have a quote displayed on the wall at YOGOTOGO that I think describes “together we can”:

“You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world…but it requires people to make that dream a reality.       –Walt Disney
Together We Did.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Why? The question I ask myself the most. Why did I do this? Why is it this way? Or just why? I would say I have a mind of question, I want to know the answer, and why. So when I get the answer "No comment" from Mrs. Corry, I'm not to pleased.

I ask myself questions daily. Whether it's "Why did I do that?" or "Why does it happen this way?" Why?

One of the questions I find myself asking the most is why after Algebra 1 comes Geometry? Seriously, why? I mean I get it, you need your Algebra skills all your life, but do you really need them to find the circumference of a circle? Well, yes you do in fact. But I don't understand why you learn Algebra and then the next year you forget most of it for Geometry and then the year after that you need it again, when you don't remember it. Why they do this? I will never know.

In math I sometimes have a hard time understanding the study notes. It's not that I never get math, or I hate it. Because I really like it. But sometimes it's harder for me to catch on than other people. Like for example, I am in Geometry and I would say half my class is 8th graders. Lots of them really understand it and they understand it fast. So when Mrs. Corry says "Ok class, figure this out." Almost right after she is done saying that, one of the 8th graders yells out the answer.

"Why?" I ask. "How in the world did you get that?"

And then the kid turns around and tells me how he did it. He tells me so fast I still don't understand. "Why?' I ask again. And then someone says,

"That's just how it is?"

How can I really be pleased with that answer? I have a mind of questions, I want answers not just "That's how it is." There has got to be some reason it is like that, when Thomas Edison invented the light bulb and someone asked him how you make light, I pretty sure he didn't just say "That's the way it is."

Why am I still in junior high? Why not high school? This I do know the answer to, we all can't fit in the high school. But I wish I was at the high school. I like junior high, but I'm ready to meet new people, I'm ready for a new experience!

Why do they have the boundaries so some people go to Layton and some to Davis? With them building the new junior high and changing the boundaries, I have been thinking of why that is. Some of my closest friends will go to Layton, and I'm going to Davis. One thing I do like is at Davis I will meet a lot of new people. But if it were me, and I had the choice, I would go to Kaysville. I personally think that it would be easiest to meet people in 7th grade instead of being a sophomore at Davis and not knowing anyone.

Why? A questions that roams around in my brain, a questions I sometimes won't know the answer to, why?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Super Saturday

I would have to say the best part of Saturday's are when your sitting on the couch watching the football game and your dad comes out and says "Time to work as a family in the yard."

"Yay!" We are all thinking right? Um, no.

So I slowly I go downstairs and find some old clothes to put on, drag myself up the stairs and walk outside.

"Got your gloves?"


"Better go get them so you can work"

So I'm ready to go. Got my gloves, got my cutting tools. Let me just tell you something. I am scared to death of nature. Everything just either grosses me out, or I'm scared of it. Even a stinkin' little spider. My sister Aubrey and I are assigned to cut the bushes. Ok that's fine. I'll help do that. I had my scissors and I pulled them apart, and guess what happens. I pulled the scissors so hard the spring came out and I broke the scissors. Goodbye Dad's birthday present.

My dad likes working outside, he likes working in the yard, and making it look beautiful. I think I might like it better if I wasn't so scared. In gym everyone is like "You are scared of the outdoors aren't you?" Well yes I am. So Aubrey and I are cutting down the plants, I started screaming so loud because of a spider the size of a nickle. And then I scream because of every other bug I see.

Working in the yard always ends up more fun then I think it's going to be. I think everyone would rather be doing something else. But it's not to bad. Even though I spend most my time running, screaming, or trying to fix the scissors. Maybe one day I will like nature. (But probably not :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


This is my first time in a real intervention! I like it! Before I didn't have a choice to go but now I can! So I am in Bitner's room writing this, and it's really nice to get some of my blog done at school.

I can't decide if Intervention is a good thing or bad...I think that students enjoy it and it helps get some stuff done, but I would rather have it at the end of the day so I could get my homework done that I got during the day. Don't you think that would be nice? It would save so much time at home! One less math assignment, or biology webwork.

Plus, Homeroom/Intervention does not belong in the middle of the day! Seriously, I think that's crazy. I know that they don't want to to sleep in, or whatever but what if the student is like caught up in his or her school work. They aren't going to miss anything in homeroom.

I am really happy though I can come to intervention now. I am actually getting things done, rather then just sitting in a classroom, and on normal homeroom days I am reading! So my reading grade can improve!

So overall, I think intervention is a good thing (after only one day) but they could improve it in some ways. But I'm not in charge! Oh well!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Beach Day

My 11 year old brother, Jonah has a mind of questions, ideas I would never think of. He's a very smart boy, loves to read and learn, act and sing, sports are probably his favorite, and he is a stud if I do say so myself. I get a kick out of all the girls following him around after school.

From ideas to "The Wall of Jonah" where he draws different versions of himself, to the "Sport Fort" that has been up in our living room for a year, to taking a Shath, or a bower (half bath half shower) to now sitting in our house on October 3rd in his swimming suit, new sunglasses, and laying on his beach towel. It's Beach Day in the Taylor home.

He announced last night that tomorrow was beach day and anyone was welcome to join him. Our house may not be on the beach, and we don't have palm tree's either. He doesn't care. Jonah just thinks it's fun to pretend. Maybe he can surf in the Shath.

Happy Beach Day!

"You've got designer shades, just to hide your face, and you wear them around like your cooler then me." -Mike Posner

Saturday, October 2, 2010

You Just Never Know

Do you ever have those teacher's that are just out to get you? Pretty much everything you do they say something rude no matter how many times you try and sweet talk them?

Yes, well I have one of "those". For some reason everything I say to her she just has a problem with. I'm not rude to her or anything, I'm not disrespectful in her class it's just every time I ask her if I can do something or go somewhere, I normaly get an answer like "If you do that, I will hurt you!"

I don't think she means it seriously, but after a while I'm thinking "Dude why do you hate me so much?" "What have I ever done in your class?"

So on Wednesday my mom said she was going to Parent Teacher Conferences, (oh great) and I said "Don't go to this teacher, she doesn't know my name, and don't go to this teacher cause she wants to hurt me!"

I told her to text me the report from all the teachers so I got a few text and then she said "Now I'm going to _________." Oh great, she didn't text me after this one. I was getting kind of scared of what my mom was going to come home and say.

We were sitting around the dinner table and my mom was giving a report of all the teachers. She said "Well ________ just says your a sweetheart."

"A SWEETHEART? Is she serious? I thought she hated me! But instead of hurting me now she is going to tell my mom I'm a sweetheart?"

So I guess my lesson learned from this class is you never know. I guess you don't know what there going to say you might think they hate you and then they tell your mom that your a sweetheart. Unless that was just a show for my mom, oh well. I will never know.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Playin' Everyday

Times are tough. Blah Blah Blah. You hear it everyday. But it's true! Money is tight in almost all families. Everyone says "Oh I want this, I need that!" You don't need everything...But this thing I did.

This weekend my grandparents took me down to Peter Prier in Salt Lake. At Peter Prier they make Violins. I have been playing the violin for 6 years. And when you buy a violin, you buy a size that fits your body. My violin was a 3/4 and it was just way to small for me. But like I said times are tough. And buying a violin is a lot of money. The new size I needed would last me the rest of my life.

My mom had talked to my grandparents about how I needed a new size, my teacher said we couldn't get the sound out of my 3/4 on. So Saturday came. My grandpa said we would go look at violins, find a good one, but not buy one today.

We got to Peter Prier and they started setting out different violins. 3 at a time. I would play a G Major scale and then a few measures of a piece I was working on. Then we eliminated the one I liked the least. I did that about 6 times until I narrowed it down to two. One was a reddish orange color with a higher sound and the other had more of an antique look with a lower sound.

While I was deciding my grandpa asked if I could see this certain violin that Peter had just finished making 3 days ago. It's a $28,000 violin with an amazing sound. The lady got it out and let me play it! Of course I wanted the $28,000 one. But that probably wasn't an option that day. While I was playing that violin the lady asked if she could bring out another one. And so she did. She brought out the nicest violin in the world! It's called a Straitavarious. Made in the 1700's and it's so incredible they have never been able to make one like it again. The lady played it and it was an incredible sound. She then asked if I would like to play it. "Well of course I would!" I said. In my hand I was now holding an 8.2 Million dollar violin. The nicest in the world. Weighs less then 1 pound. That is an amazing instrument I got to play.

Then back in the real world. I chose the most beautiful violin. It's antique look made me turn away from it at first, but I have fallin' in love with it. It was a very deep tone to it which I love.

I have fallen in love with my violin. I can't seem to put it down. I will probably play this violin for a very long time. I dream about the sound each night and can't wait to pick it up and play the next morning. It's so beautiful. I can't wait 'till the new day to play.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Doesn't Time Fly?

Wow! Doesn't time fly? It seems like just yesterday I was giving the announcements, I was getting out of class to support the school, I miss dancing to "Single Ladies" every morning, I was a role model. I was told everyday "You kids are the head of the school, people are looking up to you. BEHAVE!" It seems like it was just yesterday that I was wearing my letterman jacket. And do I still wish I was? Of course! I was having the time of my life. But that dream is over, a new year has started, new classes, teachers, friends, and now no letterman jacket.

But that's ok. I've moved on. Of course I wish I was still the head of the school. Ya, I wish I was still getting out of class. :) Do I wish people stopped telling me "Remember last year when you were popular?" Well, yes! But I've moved on now. I didn't think I would miss officer at all. I didn't think I would really miss the people, or the title. I knew I would miss Mrs. Money but I thought it would be ok.

The beginning of the year came, I was happy, excited, ready! Until the first day of school. I had no friends in any of my classes. I am an outgoing person, I talk to people easily, but not in these classes. I was worried. The first week finished, I was so down. I couldn't believe the first week of school had come and gone. I didn't enjoy it one bit. Sure, it was great to see my friends again, but day after day I wasn't excited to go to school. I didn't understand my math homework, I didn't enjoy some of my classes. I couldn't even imagine what the rest of the year would bring. People told me "8th grade was the worst year of my life! 9th was the best!" I didn't really want to believe them. I loved my 8th grade year. How could 9th get any better?

But the year kept going, I got my schedule switched 3 times. Did I appreciate that? No, not really. I was getting tired of switching what period my history class was everyday. But guess what? Each time my schedule changed, it got better. I found some people in my classes, I liked where I sat more in my new classes. I got transferred into some classes that are now my favorite! I suddenly started to like it. More and more each day.

And now here I am. 4 weeks later. Excited to go to school. Enjoying almost every minute of it. Of course I still have my not so fun classes, or you know the ones you dread to go to. "Ugh! Oh my gosh! It's A day again!" Do I prefer one day over another? Oh ya! But I am still happy to go to school and see my friends!

Am I enjoying the drama? No! But of course that is going to happen. Do I love running the mile every other week in gym? Not really, but I am with my friends so that makes it a lot better! Do I hope that this year still gets better? Of course, I am ready for a challenge! Ready for something new! And then maybe, just maybe, 9th grade could be the best year of my life.