Sunday, January 16, 2011


I remembered that I needed to do my Honors English, so I was thinking that I could just post my 5 paragraph essay. But no...of course not!
I did the essay at school so I was trying to find the file on my grades. Logged in, and tried to look at the different tabs to find where my essay was. But of course, the tabs aren't working. I keep getting that stinkin' HTTP 500 error page. I hate that page!

Why can't things just work when you want them too? Why does the website always have to be working perfectly, but the one time you need it to work it doesn't?

But really, when you think about it, technology is an amazing thing. Maybe some of you can do this, but I sure can't. Can you imagine sitting in a building all day trying to figure out wire for wire, and this for that? I sure could never do that. Everything has to be exactly perfect so everything can run smoothly. I know how to work a computer, or phone but I could never build anything like that!

Can you imagine what our world you be like if we didn't have the people that built technology? No cell phones, no computers, no..nothing. I'm not addicted to my phone or anything but could you really imagine living with no cell phone, or not being to type your English paper? I sure think that would be really hard.

We are sure lucky to live in this “day and age” :) where we can use all of this advanced stuff. Our world would sure be different without it.

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