Sunday, January 30, 2011

"What's Special About You?"

How can you tell someone's personality? By looking at a blog or handwriting can you tell if it's a boy or a girl? Or if their nice, mean, funny, full of energy, or depressed? Our parents and teachers have always told us not to make first impressions. Isn't it just a human thing we all do? We often think of first impressions by looking at the person. How does their hair look? Oh look at their clothes. Well, they got a 4.0 they must be a nerd.

First impressions isn't always a sight thing. It can be as simple as what there handwriting looks like, what there assignments look like, or even how they text. When I am texting someone and they use punctuation, or they make the conversation interesting it automatically makes me think that the person I am talking to is friendly, and outgoing. But what about there handwriting? The sloppiness of some kids (and teachers) handwriting really makes an impression on you. If a teacher is reading your work and it's sloppy so they can't read it, they are going to think of you differently then they think of someone with eligible handwriting. They might think of you as sloppy or careless of your school work, when really, you just don't have good handwriting.

Rather then writing or texting people will make a first impression of you of the way you act. Automatically, the first day I go to school and I meet my teachers I will form an opinion about how there class was just that first day, and what I now think about them. And same with the other kids in my class.

First impressions are such a terrible thing. They are often wrong. Think about it. Most of the first impressions you make are totally wrong, You see someone for the first time. They are doing something dumb, or acting silly. Your mind automatically makes an impression of them. Then when your talking to your friend she says “Oh that girl is so nice.” You see, that girl you made the first impression about and soon realize that your impression is totally opposite then how she really is. Just once you get to know her.

All of the dumb impressions we make aren't always true and if you talk about it enough it can ruin the other persons reputation. Everyone has their own personality and we shouldn't make first impressions. Chances are, we will just end up changing our mind about them. No matter the way they talk or text, or the way there writing on their paper looks. The person we are making an impression about is probably very nice.

Personalities are a great thing. Everyone has a different way they act. Happy, sad, energetic, or droopy. You might just catch them in the wrong mood. One thing I love doing is people watching. I think it's so interesting to see how everyone acts, everyone is different. Like my sister said when as a little girl when someone was questioning her. “Everyone has something special about them, what's special about you?”

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